Unhalloween party

Do we really want to give up? NO!

The question is: what does UnHalloween has to be? Which are its main features? in my opinion it should be different than elsewhere: Matera has existed for 3000 years and this must be the main point. I’m trying to figure out, with some of my friends that are musicians and visual artists, how the happening has to be related to our magic and ancestral background.

About WHERE, next to the venue there’s a lounge that should be perfect: we could ensure a unique party with a good gain and, in addition, we could mix up with locals to break more barriers. Anyone would like to help?

Goodnight, I suppose to be alone here now!

unParty :slight_smile:

Actually we have been wanting to help with the unParty  ( maybe Halloween does not fit well into unAmerican Culture )

so I think we ( “the hosts committee” : [Bembo] and [Havard] and me ) are still up for this :slight_smile:


Yes definitely a Host group interest area.

Yes Rita it is a time to meet the history of Matera or the sassi – torchlight parades in small groups with warm soup when we come back home to the lounge.

What if you and then others had each your station where you told about as much familiy history as you could in as many languages as are useful.  (I think it is very correct to increase our ear for Italiano (is there a special Basilicata dialect ?)  - we could also have a specially composed poem that everyone has to recite before going further.  The sassi has 100s of corners that are perfect for this, I am trying to engage Andrea Santantonio and Nadia Casamassimo in some of this work.

unTrash meets unHalloween ?

maybe getting a whole new idea in :)  but when I read about the history of the city and connecting with the locals I had to think about collecting Trash an unTrash Party while during collecting we can sing dance and there will be bound to be some cool street converstations.

One step further is that we can clean the waste and Upcycle it into cool halloween hats, costumes or decorarations for the parks and leave cute notes.

I would love to Upcycle with you! This is a project I’ve worked on that explains the concept a little


what do You think?