unMonastery Social Media buzz

unMonastery Social Media Calendar - generating buzz, excitement and engagement in all things \#unMon

tags: #unMon edgeryders mt2019 matera [please add the hashtags for all the unMon projects here]

This is a place where we suggest to share edgeryders content and posts daily, and we give you examples of posts to share on any channels you prefer (facebook, twitter, linkedin, … )

  1. Best way to keep us all up to date, find collaborators etc is through the Edgeryders weekly community call *see vents calendar to your right.

  2. Post social media ready status updates bin the the wiki below for us to push out via the Edgeryders social media channels.

Regarding tags: How about adding some of the common tags tagged that fit unMonastery themes and story contents and enable serendipitous discovery event if you’re not looking for #unMon or #edgeryders: food agriculture solar learning tech p2p open jobs community collaboration #school [add more here] or even socinn #socinnov #cocreate, community, makerspace, learning even urbanism  [add more here]

content we share :

Week Starting Monday 28 April

Maria Pierra Sarra’s Project is nominated as a finalist to the EU Social Innovation Prize Mit dem Tagesgeld Zinsen Vergleich lohnt sich das Konto noch mehr | socialinnovationcompetition.eu also working with @Matthias

@Marc installed the Open Energy Monitor at the unMonastery, now you can watch our energy consumption in real time. /t/open-energy-monitor/361/open-energy-monitor-is-running - Twitter > @OpenEnergyMonitor

Last week Michel Bauwen wrote an open letter to Pope Francis, in it he mentions unMonastery - following this he realised a video explaining why.

Twitter @mbauwens

Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZNjsmk4IY8 and An Open Letter to Pope Francis on the Ethical Economy | P2P Foundation

Great article on Sharable Cities went out on CheFuturo written by Domenico Di Siena - in which he gives unMonastery as a key example of Local Collective Intelligence models. See for link and twitter handle: https://twitter.com/unmonastery/status/461190921359745024

unMonastery is up for OuiShare award!!! SUPER IMPORTANT!!! LINK TO VOTE FOR unMon > OuiShare Awards Nominees 2014 also > /t/unmonastery/315/ouishare-awards-videos and http://awards.ouisharefest.com/

We’re still seeking collaborators for Open Tech School > /t/opentechschool-matera/569/come-stay-at-unmonastery-and-teach-at-ots

Week Starting Monday 19 May

CoderDojo in Matera! On the 23rd of May at unMonastery! #edtech mt2019 >>> http://community.matera-basilicata2019.it/content/coderdojo-matera

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Here are some pictures from our event yesterday

UnMonastery e Bambini!

great @mariabyck Thanks! we’ll share :slight_smile:

Shared ,

great share for Sunday :slight_smile:

it must have been a nice event at unMonastery

here it is

Thank you!

Thanks @Dorotea!

Okay so if you could push this out to appropriate people >> https://edgeryders.eu/ar/node/2794/come-stay-at-unmonastery-and-teach-at-ots - Also @Alberto @Matthias @La_Gaia @hexayurt @Leo anyone you know that might be interested?

Dorotea if you could generally give a bit of a push to the content that @kei has been putting together in the OTS group over the next week that would be great! /t/opentechschool-matera/569


sure, we’ll push these news too :slight_smile:

Change of Format

Hey @Dorotea spoke with @Nadia and she suggested we change the format of the wiki to the above to match the Spot the Future approach.

I’ve dropped a series of key pieces of information into the wiki, lots of big news to share. Keen to hear from @mariabyck @Lucia @Bembo Davies @Kei @RitaO @katalin @Marc if there’s any other key information or content we should be sharing over the course of the week and beyond. Going forward you should just edit the wiki and add dates for when you want things to be shared. I think it makes most sense to do it in week blocks, unless there is a specific event on a set date we want things to be shared from.

Also it would be really good fellow unMonasterians if when we lock down plans for May (on Friday) that we think in advance about the information we want to share over the course of the month, so the social media team at EdgeRyders have a decent heads up on what’s coming up. Also for Raefella who I’ve emailed to alert to this Wiki - so that we can centralise and ensure coherent communication going forward!

Yes this is the way we do things

Otherwise it is very difficult for us to stay on top of what happens all over the platform. 2000 plus members etc.

Also. I would recommend that whoever is driving the Ouisharefest awards for the unMonastery takes responsibility for promoting it via the social media calendar.  I’ve been asked to go to Paris and present on behalf of unMonastery for the awards, but do not have time to do any promotion so its up to you to coordinate.

Any news?


@Kei @fortyfoxes @Ben @Lucia @elf Pavlik @Bembo Davies @katalin @mariabyck @Lois and others,

its been a while since then social media calendar was updated. Any upcoming events, or news from the individual projects for the calendar above?


Firming up dates

Just waiting for confirmation on the schedule for events. Will make updates today!

Coming soon

Added CoderDojo event.

Having a bunch of OTS-related hangouts this week, so looking forward to a big update by the end of it :slight_smile:

Great :slight_smile:

Great, looking forward to sharing good news from unMonastery :slight_smile: