
Hej guys!!!

Since the design of the projects is super attractive and we are going to be in just a beautiful place, Instagram account during for pics and short reports with hashtags lote edgeryders matera #unmonastery and all the possibly related is just a must have!

I guess we can start using it even now, not so actively though, just posting pisc from meetings, offline and online, preparations and so on… What do you think?

I made this task private, since going to write login/passwords later on

Ok so where do we start?

I really like this idea! how to begin?

Hiya, did you set up instagram account?

Concerning content - posting pix from unMonastery&Matera will b the most relevant, I guess.

Do we have ppl on the spot who would like to post?

Also, not that it really matters in this case, but as far as I remember, stuff posted on instagram belongs to instagram.

Does it really matter who it belongs to? The purpose is ti engage/inform ppl about what’s going on. Or you want to make an exhibition? :slight_smile:

Btw, what has to be a name of the account? Should it be a common Edgeryders account with hashtags #unmonastery lote3 and stuff or it has to be Unmonastery account? I personally prefer Edgeryders so we can use it afterwards.

I agree, edgeryders instagram account :slight_smile:

then we can use the same traction to support community members different initiatives later, UnMonastery is one of them but there are several more and will be many more in the time to come :slight_smile:


Dear all,

can I suggest to keep in mind another hashtag? It’s the mt2019 one, to support the bid of Matera to European Capital of Culture. The unMon is being supported by the city also because it goes hand in hand with this social innovation experimentations the city wants to develop in the perspective of the ECOC bid.

It would be great if the LOTE could be a way to expand even more the mt2019 buzz: by that time the first version of the bid will have been handed in and we will be waiting to be shortlisted - insh’allah! ER’s support would be quite precious :slight_smile:

Basic question: if it is a common ER account, only those part of the SM team will have access to it, or everyone?


Totally agree with Ilaria here. The city is showing plenty generosity (look here: Materans are opening their homes to us!) and the social media team has a chance to reciprocate their kindness by circulating the mt2019 hashtag more internationally than citizens can do themselves. [Dorotea], [Kushboo], [Noemi] and all: please take note.

Thanks Alberto , we’ll say

Thanks [Alberto] , we’ll say thank you to the city : ) we’ll use the #MT2019 hash tag well : )

Thanks for this great idea, Illaria!

I’m a bit paranoid about super-openess of pass/login info, so we certainly don’t have to make it accessible to everyone. I’ve been working as a social media security coordinator and you just basically don’t do this thing :slight_smile: So I guess that  only people from social media team. Others can post stuff at their own accounts with similar hastags, it’s also fine and helps spreading

Scenes of Matera

Great idea, how about we ask Materians to take pictures of scenic spots or hubs of activity in Matera. Where are the sunrise and sunset spots and areas of beauty in the town aswell as locations of the community centric places and the people who populate them.

Pictures of people standing outside their shop, teachers ourside a school, council members outside the municpal offices, these kinds of things would generate the beginnings of relationships between the resident and the visitor.

The same can also work in reverse, individuals with what they do and how this comprises a community, perhaps.

@Eimhin &@Elena -

@Eimhin &@Elena - Should it be like a deposit of visual material which then one of us post on instagram with tags: matera mt2019 edgeryders #unMonastery alongside with more general popular tags that instagramers use for search. We can popular urban tags, coz they’re pix from the city (tags such as #architectureporn #city #urbano) other popular tags like #summer or whatever tags relevant to the particular picture posted. Regarding urban tags though, I’ve noticed that Matera general visual web representation is Sassi: ok, amazing view and a hallmark, but a bit of a cliche. It will be interesting to post something completely different, otherwise for the viewer it looks like Matera is just this. I found quite a few instagramers posting from Matera using matera tag.

And some with MT2019, such as http://web.stagram.com/tag/mt2019/

All we need is to join those who’s already posting these mt2019 (261 Photos) #mt2019contest (1,111 Photos) #mt2019matera… there is also #instamatera tag http://web.stagram.com/tag/instamatera/

in our instaquest and add more general and edgerydersy tags.

love it great idea, definatley think getting somthing other than traditional views of sunsets would be a plan. im not sure, do i have to make my own instagram account? still coulnt work it out from reading the conversation.

thanks again, great idea, simple and freindly.

Yeah, that’s my question as well. We need someone on the spot to get great pix different from the usual representation of Matera (buldings, buildings).

I found quite a few Materan instagramers posting #visitmatera and #MT2019contest including ER and_paoletti http://edgeryders.wikispiral.org/users/andreapaoletti So he’s already instagramming mt2019

We can set up Edgeryders instagram account and follow all Matera related instagrammers for a start. Then, whoever we have on the spot who can take pix, but too busy setting up an account, tagging, liking, following others, can send it to SM team (SM hehehe) to be posted and tagged. It will be nice to have some people, even selfies, and things going on otherwise instagram Matera is all about houses. @Elena does this sound correct? And thinking of visual platforms in general - especially nice pix can go on pinterest too