Up-Skilling in Social Media

This wiki is for up-skilling in social media. I’ll be putting and updating info here about different ways of generating engagement.

Some Tips and Our Social Media Contacts, Presence and Engagement.

We can connect to each other on our social media channels, together we are stronger and we can support each-others content that we share.

Maybe it would be useful to map out our individual social media presence. Some of us are strong Facebook users, others prefer Twitter; at least one person, [Elena Karlsen], loves Instagram. Let’s see…

Social media team presence
Team_member Facebook Twitter Google+ Instagram Diaspora* other?
Influence metric Friends/ Likes Followers Have in circles Followers Contacts depends
Edgeryders official 770 1120 no 11 no  



      lots :)  
Alberto 1,479 3,691 2,078 no 55  
Nadia 928 756 135 yes 8  
Noemi 384 230 70 no no  

Up-Skilling Tips & Q&A 

Tip 1. about daily posts, you can post by yourself or, even better:


or just Retweet the tweet(s) on twitter or Like & Share the post(s) on facebook 

from the Edgeryders pages




Some Questions and Answers 
Q: what other things I can do 
if I don't want to share the content on my channels every day 
( for some reason, such as it would not look natural)
A: you can also "Like" and Comment on the posts concerning edgeryders 
- in other words - generate engagement
You can also go to the Edgeryders facebook or twitter pages 
and "Like" and Comment on the posts you find interesting 
- it helps the news to be shown to more people.
Thanks !!!
PS 1. Even if you don't share so much on your social networks, and you don't think sharing daily content would look natural, you can still keep the daily mails, as some kind of updates from the Edgeryders community, and if some information will fit your sharing practices you are welcome to share.
PS 2. You don't have to share everything everyday to be part of the team, but any help in sharing is appreciated.
PS 3. If you have any questions about our social media strategies or want to get involved or help in other way, contact me here:
or by email: Dorotea@edgeryders.eu

What can you do to help at any time:
Also ShareLikeComment on any post you like here
and Retweet any tweet you like here

Great idea!

Excellent idea, [Dorotea]. Let me see if I can contribute.