Upcoming events

Hi all.

Here’s a list of upcoming events I’ve received from @noemi. To make these events a success, can whoever is responsible ( @hugi @alberto @marina @nadia and others that might be organizes) update on the developments of these, and feel free to reach out to me so that I and @inge can kickstart promotion plan already so more people join.

  1. Community workshops for The Reef (Sept-November). We will announce them once we have a team

  2. Themed community calls in POPREBEL in September: Wirutalne Kawiarenki w Polsce - rozkład jazdy. Also not official yet.

  3. Deep Dive event in Valencia - end of November (tbc)

  4. Edgeryders NGI/ Wellbeing Festival: (draft): Edgeryders Festival I A global date for a local event, November 19-23 in a city near you. Not official yet.

  5. ER participation in events:


we also need to plan for this: Workshop on Inequalities in the age of AI, what they are, how they work and what we can do about them - 19/11 - Brussels

and there’s several IoH community calls as well. @MariaEuler do we have an agenda for these already?

and @marina made this great list here: List of NGI events 2019-2020-2021 - #17 by matthias

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actually, @anon82932460 here you can find @MariaEuler’s ideas for next two community calls for IoH: New Internet tech, equality and justice: a possible event in the fall? - #27 by MariaEuler

and here even more in detail Community Calls - Let's talk (almost) face to face