With Noemi we had a chance to review the work done. We still have a lot to do, but we are getting there. With the help of various of you, in the weekend we fixed 1.1.1 (with a key piece from the City of Milan), 1.1.2 (with an example provided by WeMake which, I think, makes the whole thing much clearer), 1.2, 1.3.6 (though we still miss some material from Erik) and 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 (thanks Guy). We also added from scratch a data and knowledge management strategy and a dissemination plan in section 2; the only thing missing there is a communication plan, but I have already mostly covered that in the dissemination plan (I think the form is very badly structures).
Noemi has been working on putting section 3 together, starting from what we have on individual work packages. She will brief us herself on tomorrow (Tuesday’s) call.
We also have partner descriptions of MI, ER and LABRI for section 4. Section 5, on ethics, remain to be done by SF. See you tomorrow!