I think @Nadia means the Outsider Art concept. We only have the concept note so far that I think is underdeveloped but been advised it’s good to do more strategic work in this phase and see if we can park it in a solid partnership.
Similarly to opencare, the claim is that there is a lot of art produced by social collectives happening under the radar, with limited societal impact due to fragmentation (in this case reasons for fragmentation could have to do with dynamics in the art world i.e. I’ve been hearing a lot lately that the idea of “authorship” is too precious for it to fly freely alongside community produced art). We’d need to also look at what is there to learn from “artivist” art, and many more to even be able to find those implications you mention.
Do you have a hypothesis? Feel free to add to the document (or the Ideas and Notes in the same folder). If and when ArtShare (who are supposed to find a consortium for the concept) will respond, should we both meet them? Let me know, i’m happy to loop you in.
Yep. That outsider culture is a cheap carrier signal for change. Especially when practitioners are connected and have sustainable channels of coordinated engagement with the public.
More specifically that an important premesis for successful insitutional interventions in social and economic development is that they are aligned with what is happening at the fringes of art scenes.
Much in the same way as the artistic exploration of the futurists paved the way for fascism, Ironic Meme making and sharing facilitated the scene for the rise of ALT right and the pirate bureau set the foundations for Netflix.
Question is: what is a meaningful way to evaluate the effectiveness of public investments into networking and coordination support to actors outsite the mainstream of art practice? Output of project: experiment and develop a number of co-created indicators.
Updates from us: we do not have time to build a consortium around Outsider arts, and Luis is also not up to speed with the details of the call and with a set of academic/ research partners who could take it on or are already submitting for this call. It is not likely he will go for the call anyway. @alberto thanks for making the connection and the agreement has been we will anyway keep looking for joint opportunities. Him and @Nadia’s recent contacts in Madeira etc. could be great for this concept moving on in a future call.
For the IETM led proposal we have an almost full partnership but no leader with experience, so this is an emergency week and hopefully the problem will be solved by Monday. We need a heavy lifter.
I know @Hugi wanted Blivande to be involved, but I dont think this is the good fit, am I wrong? This is about the strategy to win, not about your capacity to deliver interesting stuff of course…
So @alberto are there any partner types you are still missing for DT-Governance-13-2019 or some questions you need answered for the proposal writing?
I ask because I am going to this event an event in Brussels tomorrow where there might be some interesting people to liase with. Harry ( he came to LOTE4 in Brussels and we know one another) is debating mixnets and business models with Roger Dingledine, founder of Tor. They are exploring how to solve the ethical dilemma of funding privacy-enhancing technology: e.g If it is better taking US military/State Dept. funds to fund open-source software like Tor or taking cryptocurrency-based private capital Halpin.
Oh, and special thanks to @Branka for putting us in touch with Rijeka University, also a partner.
Branka, if you have a connection with a strong European organisation who could be a leader of this (university, research center, or NGO/ think tank etc) do drop me a line, thanks!
The final piece before we go full on in writing mode.
An unfortunate update, dont let this ruin your Sunday : in the proposal and partnership with IETM (for TRANSFORMATION-17-2019: Societal challenges and the arts) they and we could not find a principal investigator, a partner willing to take the lead on the proposal writing, and so it has been decided to not go forward for the March 14th deadline.
This is unfortunate as @natalia_skoczylas and I were proactive in assembling that partnership and invested good hours- but we missed a key piece of information: that while discussions were had with potential partners their inability to lead was not seen as a major problem for the consortium as a whole. I pulled the alarm as soon as I found this, but I believe it can be prevented in the future. Of course, and now we know it!, joining an existing viable partnership is the better strategy to start with, instead of overinvesting in the dark.
Onwards then, looking for new funding ops.