Updating the timesheet tracker

This is a question for @LuceChiodelliUB .

We are now updating the administrative work to the end of the 1st quarter 2017. However, the timesheet tracker only covers 2016, so we have no space to put the newly consumed PMs. What should we do? Do you prefer to have a brand new sheet? Or add tabs to the existing sheet? Thanks!

Timesheet tracker

I would say it is easier to add tabs to the existing document, to gather all relevant information in one document, but it is your choice, depending on what is most practical to you. Most important is that you can keep track and provide information on your activity upon request, even after the end of the project.


I updated the timesheet and the budget trackers on the shared folder. Turns out we have burned through 14.87 PMs and 53% of our budget.

@LuceChiodelliUB , there is a small issue: we would like to move some budget from “purchase of goods and services” to travel. We already spend 13K EUR in travel, and we are looking at more of that in year 2. It would be about 8K EUR. What do we have to do?

budget transfer

@Alberto, thank you for updating your records for year 2. About a probable budget transfer, the texts say the following: you may shift some remaining amounts from a budget category to another one, to allow you to keep performing the tasks as foreseen in Annex 1 of opencare’s GA. This procedure does not need to make an amendment to the GA, but it has to be declared and explained in the upcoming periodic reporting in January 2018 (final section of the part B, changes to the budget), just as we did for the City of Milan this year, for example.

Noted with thanks
