Upload the STF contract document

[ADadmin], is it possible that you upload the UNDP contract document here into the group, as a reference for us? Esp. I’m interested if they now wanted the platform integration with World You Want or not, so that I can plan accordingly.

Draft Contract Template Uploaded


A draft contract template (in PDF format) has been uploaded to the ‘Spot the Future’ Google Doc’s folder.

Please, can you review it …yes…it’s very boring legal boilerplate and yes I have run it through a spellchecker etc…but it still needs a few other pairs of eyes…


But not sure how useful my comments are going to be :slight_smile:


are very useful … thank you… found several issues instantly… the benefits of ‘proofreading’…

Comments addressed…I will replace this version with another tmrw morning…

New draft


Following input from Alberto, I’ve made some changes…

I deleted the old PDF…which had loaded ‘ugly’… and have replaced it with a ‘text/doc’ version…with the changes included…
