[Urgent] Can someone hand me some Toilet Paper please?

#lote4 May end up being in Berlin or elsewhere.

Thanks for the heads up, there was supposed to be a disclaimer making clear that Location and exact date for #lote4 are still undecided. This depends on several factors including whether or not the Matera unMonastery will still be around in October. Just as you are working at your end to create conditions for this to happen, so am I. People explore options in different directions, you are entitled to your opinions whether or not they are based on a correct assessment. Keep in mind that you stepped into the process when the groundwork to open the window of opportunity for the four months to even happen had already been done. Again the options are to get involved or not. Very simple.

Btw., are there any updates on Berlin? I’m on standy-by somehow.

Aside that : How am I supposed to fork my answer to a new thread, still keeping the connection? Discourse allows that.

Update: That was not intended to be a big headline.

Post tech requests/ or queries in the dev & testing group?

Hi. Don’t know what you are referring to w.r.t Berlin. If it is the Edgeryders community event in the fall then that is being worked on here, if it’s something else, maybe it is helpful if you are more explicit about what you are referring to?

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Berlin was in the headline

We talked about Berlin in Paris, and in a headline above you wrote LOTE might end up there; as I would be available for looking for venues, I was and still am interested in the location question, but didn’t find anything new at The Stewardship page.

Mentions and links.

Webmaster here :slight_smile: We don’t have a feature that supports directly what you want to do. So you’ll have to improvise a bit. Mostly being a bit off-topic does not really matter here, as the Edgeryders platform is even tuned to the “naturally social, 'bit messy” content :slight_smile: If you feel sth. really does not fit in, just post it in a thread where it’s more appropriate, or even create your own post for it. And then to @mention relevant user(s) from the original thread whom you want to take notice that the discussion moved – the system will send them an e-mail about the mention (Hi, @almereyda :slight_smile: ). Where context is needed, you could place a link to the original thread / comment.

Update: Nadia referred to this one: Edgeryders Dev & Testing group / project.

Thanks for your replies.

I really appreciate the speed and detail how you respond to my request.

I feel completely informed - I even found @Nadia s version of her OuiShare Fest notes that I was so keen to see again :slight_smile: .

Happy to see the outcome of the location discussion with unMonastery soon.

Not a priority IMHO

@elf Pavlik, I am not at all sure reforming our communication ways is the most urgent thing we need to do (for most values of “we”). And if reform is needed, I would focus it on educating humans rather than deploying artefacts. For example, getting people to embrace the value of documentation; teaching each other to take time when you are transmitting (careful, synthetic messages, informative images and videos, etc.) to save everyone else time in receiving (this is efficient because we spend much more time receiving than transmitting); assume good faith in each other; learn how to disagree without taking it personally; refraining from drama and rhetorical weaponry on the Brethren etc. etc. You, Elf, have very little need for all this, being already very advanced in all these respects.

You, on the other hand, have a clear agenda that revolves around technology. I guess that makes you a technocrat, which is quite ironic given your lifestyle! What you are trying to do is to get some very smart people to put communication tools on top of the priority queue, in the belief that this will shift the whole community towards a better constellation of tools. I guess that is what gives this agenda its top-down flavour: “one tech stack to rule them all” enforced by some Elder Council. I disagree this should be top of the queue, but I could be wrong; so your effort is welcome. If the community jumps on board (not in word but in deed), I am ready to change my views in respect of the collective wisdom.

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I really appreciate your points!

especially: to take time when you are transmitting (careful, synthetic messages, informative images and videos, etc.) to save everyone else time in receiving (this is efficient because we spend much more time receiving than transmitting);


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And since I don’t say it enough…

… I really appreciate the gift of your time and considerable smarts. I am looking forward to hanging out with you at the unMonastery and compare notes. Interacting with you is one of the most interesting things I have done in a while: we are really, really different, you and I. :slight_smile:


Fixing what we have.

elf, I’d be interested in talking about this, though I have a feeling it should wait until after this weekend with Piccianello day, at least.

I think being able to update the unMon website is of greater importance right now. I just looked, and there doesn’t seem to be any mention of the upcoming events! I articulated on Trello how I currently feel blocked and cannot update the site - otherwise I would take initiative on this. Please let me know how it’s going, and if I can help with this priority.

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I’ve mentioned Vimeo, Trello, GDrive since most online work happens over there. Once we can pull in activities into project/people profiles it will become more visible what we all do and where to get involved (at least online). I also will take a look at connecting to ER platform.

For events, I don’t know why no one adds them to Google Calendar? I’ve sent email to mailing list with no one replying yet :frowning:

In longer run I would like that we have events manager app which exposes them with ical feed but also automates creating copy of chosen events on Facebook using their graph API. OuiShare community would also use something like that since we discussed it already while ago.

I planned to get on this stuff right after arrival here but then found all the confusions and dramas present calling for attention. Today I hope to get on some quick fixes we discussed during or last hangout, and in next days will rather prioritize working with Marco (who arrives today) on finalizing work done so far on Public Transport Map so we can present it as one of clear outcomes!

Statistics for this group?

Google Groups provide statistics of topics and most active posters (this month/all time). Do we have something similar for this platform? @Alberto & @Matthias

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About two-three hours work?

Not out of the box, but it does provide a module called Views, that consists of a friendly (meaning: usable by non-programmers like myself) user interface that:

  1. helps you structure a SQL query to the DB
  2. prints the results in the form you desire (or exports them as JSON or XML).

If you go to the home page, you will see a block that counts users, posts and comments: that was done (by me) with Views. I guess I could implement basic per-group stats in two-three hours. Most of the time is needed to make it elegant: do statistics for all groups and then alter the group rendering so that it includes them.

If you want the feature, put it up as a task. I will pick it – I have been meaning to do something like that anyway – but it may take a little time. :slight_smile:



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Here, I got some!

Everybody, I do thank you very much for having access to this informative discussion. It might help spare time with MMM and OuiShare Labs self-organization.

Through the links inside, I’ve found Occupy Network and Decoupled CMS and find both approaches very interesting, but yet to implement with interactivity and streams. Let’s just use that kind of stuff!

That sais, from the sociological point of view, I’m very interested in developing and establishing codes of conduct, Netiquette “2.0” as one could say, that guide non-power users, in contrast to what all of you are, how to use decentralized networks anyway.

I will file in a proposal to the Board of Directresses about research in this area by the end of the weekend and will keep you posted here.