Using Edgeryders Forms

There is no such functionality right now, so no. In theory, @owen could build into the form software to have a field in the config with webhooks that are called on submission of a specific form. That sounds like just a few lines of code, if I’m scoping it right - but I have no idea how much @owen has on his plate now or what is currently priority.

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@hires - look at the default template.

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I have added it to the request list, as I’m focusing on the translation support for the consent form, I’ll do it alongside that in the next update, which I’m hoping will be ready to test tomorrow.

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This wouldn’t be too difficult to implement - I can probably fit it in the next update, but I think that’s the cap at the moment otherwise we’re pushing too many features at once.


Tried it again, and this time it worked. Not sure what happened the first time… thanks!

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I have uploaded the latest build here for testing.

Here is a list of what has changed:

  • The form picks up translations of the consent forms in this topic.
  • Each consent form translation uses an ISO code (“de” for German, “en” for English) to determine what language it is in.
  • When you create your form, you can set the default language using the ISO code as such in the form config:
"language": "de"
  • This will load the consent form in that language. It will also change the default text of non configurable text items such as “username” and “email” to the respective language. These translations are built into the application, so to add new ones means updating the application.

  • You can set a webhook URL in the form config, as such:

      "webhook": "",
  • Setting the webhook will ping that URL with the following JSON payload:
data: {
 email: the submitted email,
 username: the submitted username,
 form: the ID of the form
  • I have tested this with Zapier and it works fine, you can then use Zapier to pass that data on to an action.

  • There are two issues with doing this that need to be discussed (@hugi, @matthias ):

    • What this entails for GDPR, as we are now sending user data to a third party. If it requires another consent field, this could be added to the (already long) consent form.
    • This does not work for users who already have an account. As I understand it, there is no way of getting the email of an existing user through the API. So custom email notifications can only be sent to new user registrations.
  • You can configure the form link (at the top of the page), in the configuration as such:

"form_link": "Teilnehmen"

I have updated @hires form configuration with these changes so you can preview them here.

When this is ready and we’re ok with the changes made above, I can push them to the live site.


This is going to be useful! Great. :slight_smile:

I’m not sure, but as long is that data isn’t being stored, but just used to send an email through another service we control, that doesn’t sound like too much of an issue with GDPR? @matthias?

Thank you @owen!

We have the GO from Alberto, is there anything else you need before you can push it live? :slight_smile:

Does edgeryders have a Zapier account we could use for this (the free version doesn’t seem to allow webhooks)?

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Hi @owen, sorry if you are very busy - but just wanted to check in quickly if you know when you can push this update live? Thank you!

Hi @hires - yes, I’ve moved it over and your form is here - Edgeryders Forms

If you have questions there’ll be a support call on Monday - Weekly Dev Clinic - Monday 29/03/21

No need for a consent field in the form. To be compatible with GDPR, users would have to agree to our platform’s privacy statement, and that statement would include a list of data processors with whom we have a GDPR compliant data processing agreement. Any third parties to which we send personal data technically have to be part of such a list. In practice, this is quite difficult to achieve.