Using the Future: Foresight for public good


Team members post deliverables in this group for: written feedback and discussions around all production tied to the Futures Knowlab proe. Everytime something is posted in the group, members recieve automatic email notifications containing a summary + link to follow should you wish to comment.

Our Process

Thursdays:  a synthesis of feedback on deliverables and points for discussion during the call is posted online and an email reminder sent to all team members to check it.

Fridays: weekly google hangouts for brainstorming, progress checks, planning and decision making.

Decision-making and sign off

We post scripts and 1st versions of articles as collaboratively editable documents (wikis). Everyone discusses their contents by leaving comments in the section at the bottom of each page.

The opening for feedback is one week only: Ahead of each Google hangout the production team reviews feedback collected during the previous week, summarises and reacts to it (what is feasible, what requires additional input from e.g. Riel etc).

Google hangouts are the final cutoff point for gathering and including feedback into production of each respective deliverable. Summaries of each google hangout are posted online directly after the call.


September 6: Aggregate feedback on first version of video #1

September 8: Send out invitation to Twitterstorm. Moved to September 30 due to pending confirmation of Riel’s participation in LOTE4.

September 9: 1st version of Script for video #2 submitted

September 12: Futures Knowlab Google hangout

September 15: Post nr.1 submitted by @NathanielJ  + Riel confirms participation in LOTE4.

September 16: Twitterstorm invitation (announcing futures literacy session at lote4). Moved to September 30.

September 18: 2nd/final version of Script for video #2 submitted. Moved to Monday September 22 due to request for uploading all interview videos and transcripts.

September 19: Futures Knowlab Google hangout, 9 EST

(tbc by Production team): Rough edit of video #2

September 22: 2nd version of Script for video #1 submitted. Moved to September 25 due to request for uploading all interview videos and transcripts.

September 23/9 : Futures Literacy Campaign Invitation published:

September 26: Futures Knowlab Google hangout, 9 EST

October 3: Futures Knowlab Google hangout, 9 EST

October 10: Video#2 final delivery date.

October 10: Google Hangout 9 CEST. If possible: Riel confirms engagement strategy feasibility (possibility for selected participants to join design/planning, execution, and evaluation of futures exercises).

October 12: Draft of Post featuring video #2 & call to action based on reply to this comment

October 23 : Post 1/5 in Futures Literacy Campaign Published (Post by t.b.d)

October 25: Learning Learn About the Future. Workshop to be designed & facilitated by Nadia EL-Imam and (Jennifer Rudkin?) on behalf of Unesco at lote4 event in Matera.

November 14: is online (developments can be followed on

November 15: Invitation letter sent by Riel Miller out to contributors (NB: social contract) and partner organisations.

November 30: Campaign live.

T.b.c : Post 2/5 in Futures Literacy Campaign Published (Post by Riel Miller)

T.b.c : Post 3/5 in Futures Literacy Campaign Published (Post by t.b.c)

T.b.c : Post 4/5 in Futures Literacy Campaign Published. Who can Use the Future? by Nathaniel James.

T.b.c : Post 5/5 in Futures Literacy Campaign Published (post nu t.b.c)

[Additional dates and milestones to be added]