Viral Academy Outcomes and Measurement Tools Matrix

Assumptions: The matrix depends on the following assumptions

In online p2p teaching, there are sufficient numbers of the partipants, (SIX participants) that are able to progress to be effective (agile) teachers of other students.

There are sufficient “expert volunteers” on the internet willing to spend time in Hangouts, or answer written questions to support the Viral Academy classes.

Project based learning has a positive effect on participants professional network and crowdfunding

file_fid:3025 - This is work-in-model, for any info or help please post it on the group Viral Academy

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Thanks, Adil. Good you’re taking the original evaluation plan into your course.

Different font size unintentional.

Ping me if you want me get you through the main spreadsheet again the matrix is based on. I might have a copy with comments on it you might be interested in.

There are few details on data confidentiality in some of the “Who will measure it” rows if you want to take it seriously. There are also some tech details on quantitative analysis in the original spreadsheet to have a look at.

The point of the VA evaluation plan is to reduce time (which is VA money) spent on measurements for students and avoid superlong surveys. Otherwise it might be a bit tricky to make learning fun.

Data is submitted by students and teacher in a way that it’s possible to organise and make sense of, doesn’t always have to be measured by students and agile teacher.  Unless you run a course on data analysis ;) 

What is measured by the teacher and students is only what’s relevant or related to the project they’re working on.

Also, do you still want to use those peer surveys for your course? I’m curious about how it will work, I mean user experience side. If you will, a short review on how it works in VA context will be great.