Visiting de Moestuin

Hi @reeflings !

If you followed the accessibility conversation, I mentionned that I visited a cohousing for elderly people in Flanders, and that it was possible to go and visit it. This might be interesting in part because they installed a house lift (instead of a normal lift), and we are wondering whether that could be an option for us…

They already have a visit planned through Samenhuizen on the 21 st of september (probably in dutch, although one of the lady there also speaks good french and english):

But they also said they could arrange a visit on another day for us if we wanted to…

So let me know what you would prefer/need!

  • I will sign up for the visit on 21/09
  • I really would like it if we organised a visit on another date
  • I don’t need to visit it
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I’d like to see it and am out of Brussels on the 21st but also happy to simply trust your judgement, @Sarah :slight_smile:

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Same for me

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Ahaha! My judgement was I took the lift and went up! :sweat_smile:
Also I regret a bit how I write the option, it doesn’t need to be that you really would like if we organised something, just would like is enough! Sorry about that!
I think it should be possible to organise something, no pb.
@Sophie_B @mieke - How about one of you starts a poll with some dates at which you are available and we take it from there?

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I just had a look on maps - there doesn’t seem to be any public transport on the weekends and it takes 2 something hours during the week (one way). Happy to wait for the architects judgement on those lifts, I guess :sweat_smile: