Wanted! Social media team leader ahead of Lote

This post is to reach out to any Edgeryders living online, having social media on your daily toast, or finding yourselves with some time on your hands between August and end of October. Here’s why:

Our greatest community event yet, Living on the Edge or lote is on its way. Communication wise, invitations in both writing and video are out there, and for internal use we’ve set up a weekly online call & newsletter to meet newcomers and build together a great experience for and with everyone attending. Many of us are working, often behind the scenes, to curate content, document location needs or keep track of registrants, so it just makes sense to back this up with high powered exposure to drive more participation and rise up to the challenge of hosting the coolest event Europe has seen. Seriously.

Surely one person behind any Edgeryders official communication channel can’t compete with a collective effort distributed across many countries! We need someone to gently herd a growing number of enthusiasts who are up for promoting LOTE in their own tribes, at a low cost (click & share style). Tentatively, this would involve:

  • assemble a volunteer social media team: for team members this is an entry-level effort in Making LOTE
  • devise a strategy to drive engagement, registration to LOTE and traffic on edgeryders.eu platform
  • craft "atoms of content" from the LOTE/Edgeryders/unMonastery experience that are amenable to resharing by the team
  • deploy appropriately the official Edgeryders Facebook and Twitter presence (currently at 700 and >1000 followers, respectively)

What’s in it for you? For starters, you get to work with lovely Edgeryders, which is no small thing ‘cause we’re fun and easy maintenance. You also get free social media consultancy from your peers as part of a learning experience: that’s a skill everybody needs nowadays, especially if you’re jumpstarting your own project, with limited resources. We are happy to give you a Linkedin recommendation. And lastly, you’ll be a core part of an awesome event bringing together change makers from around the globe. Might be good for your business card!

We especially welcome Italian applicants: getting the word out on the Italian parts of Twitter, Facebook etc. is important for better outreach to the local, largely Italian-speaking community.

So who wants to volunteer to take the lead? As usual, first come first served. No application procedures or top down validation, simply post a comment below and we’ll take your word for it. Don’t worry, you won’t be alone in this, myself (Noemi) and [Auli] will help you select and packetize interesting content on a regular basis; [Alberto], [Elena Karlsen], [Eimhin], [Dorotea], [Nadia] already signed up as members in the team, not to mention other Lote participants who pledged their support at registration. We’ll put you in touch with these guys.