We made the first 100&Change cut! Now what?

1904 applications. Many of them produced by well-resourced establishment players. With hundreds, possibly thousands of employees.

And then there’s our loosely coordinated collective of misfits. Most of whom have never met one another in person. Held together by a tiny, anarchic group of nerds.

Yes. Our OpenAndChange application made the cut:

“This initial screen focused on questions such as: are applications responsive to the questions we had posed? Do they conform to administrative requirements? Are they complete? Are the organizations involved legally able to receive funds? Are the projects the right scale for a $100 million grant?” 

So now what, do we sit around and wait for the results? No. There is important work to do. Together.

A lot of things have happened since we submitted the application in October. Many of us, and people about whom we care, are sad and scared. After pulling ourselves out of despair we realised that we already have a strategy and plan. We have beed developing and prototyping oand have been for o. While politics may seem a far stretch from hacking health- and social care systems, they are closely related. I won’t go into detail here, but I present it in detail here.