We;ve been invited to an event by The French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM). Who wants to go?

The French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM) and the French infrastructure BIOBANQUES in collaboration with ISC have a pleasure of inviting to the seminar entitled “COP21 Responding to Health and Data Challenges. Case for Climate Change and Atmospheric Pollution”, dedicated to the question of optimal climate change policy responses to support data analytics usage for health research. Microbiome will be discussed as a case for relevance of systemic approach towards collecting and analysing environment around humans, especially agriculture, and translating findings to a healthcare and environmental policy.

Purpose of the meeting:

In relation to the Global Agreement to be adopted by the COP21 conference, the planned meeting will focus on areas of health data allowing bio-monitoring of climate related diseases, as well as the wide theme of microbiome and influence of ecosystem on human health. The main objective of the seminar is to outline possible project ideas in above mentioned areas, which would build the case for sustained action by estimation and compilation of the burden of climate changes and the main risk factors, the cost and cost-effectiveness of interventions, the unmet need for prevention and treatment services, and the need for interventions outside the health sector.

Date: 4 December 2015,

Time: 10.00 – 16.00

Venue: INSERM, 101, rue de Tolbiac, 75013, Paris; 10th floor, room 132

For further information, registration and draft agenda go to: http://www.iscintelligence.com/event.php?id=294

Please, register ASAP due to limited space.

Deadline for registration: 2 December 2015.

Magdalena Pacholska

Key Relationships

ISC Intelligence in Science

Rue du Trone 4

B-1000 Brussels

Tel: +32 2 8888111

Mob: +32 470 208 295


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I’ll be in town

I’m going to be in Paris during COP21 anyway (wearing my OpenOil hat). So I could attend, though others in the community are better informed about the issues.

I’ll register anyway, but in the hope that somebody else will be able to join or replace me. [It’d also be a good chance for a face-to-face meeting with those of you I’ve not yet seen in person]

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…having looked at the agenda, it does seem to be an extremely academic-medical event, where I may well just not be able to keep up, and it really needs somebody like @markomanka to be able to discuss opencare in that context?

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Conflict with prior appointment…

Unfortunately I would still be in Warsaw that day, where I accepted to serve on a panel on research evaluation for the Polish Government.

I am more than willing though to have a wide and wild conversation with whoever will go to Paris, about anything he/she might feel to miss, that I could provide.

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