I introduce myself I am Aitsaid Ouali hamza, I am 30 years old and I am the carrier of the project ‘’ Wecofund.ma ‘’
I am an economist by training,
after graduating with a degree in economics, I joined a management school and then I started a lot of entrepreneurial experiences, my first project that i did not succeed because of the lack of experience and that allowed me to learn so much things, was a deal company, we were a team of 5 peoples.
my second project was the import and marketing of men’s clothing that I had to stop because of the insolvency of severals clients,
-My third project was the commercialization of the nanotechnology products that we decided to stop (my team and me) to do something that makes sense to our life, which corresponds to our principles. as we discovered that these products were harmful to the planet.
I have a lot of curiosity and this last one to guide me towards the collapsology (science which studies the collapse of the economic, environmental, sociological ecosystem)
As I am an enthusiastic blockchain, I realized that the power of decentralization, and the transparency that this technology will bring us, was the solution to the collapse that we must prevent together.
Faced also the ongoing collapse of the ecosystem because of poor agricultural management and also because of the lack of awareness and also the use of chemicals and Ogms,
Through this platform we acquire and release agricultural land, we will encourage other carriers of ecological projects, by funding their projects thanks to the power of crowdfunding, by motivating them and providing them with support to develop projects related to production. Sustainable agriculture, this platform also, multiplies the research activities thanks to the projects that will be financed via the platform, the experimentation and the council also in order to make these projects multiply they want to be realized, question also of the connected ones between them after the project is maturing of course since the blockchain is what wecofund.ma will adopt in the long run.
NB: it’s been 3 years that I gather a community of entrepreneurs, computer engineers, marketers, farmers … which now has more than 1580 individuals question to unite to change things together)