Wednesday 4 December: Stammtisch

Hi @reeflings , @reef-communitylife would like to introduce a new tradition: a Stammtisch.
The idea is simple: a regular (monthly) apéro gathering for anyone who wants to connect over a drink. It’s also an opportunity for exploring members to get to know us better and vice versa.

:date: When? Every first Wednesday of the month at 6.30 PM
:round_pushpin: Where? Café Walvis

The first Stammtisch will take place on Wednesday 4 December. Please let us know in the poll if you are coming.

  • I will be there
  • I won’t join this time
0 voters

Hi @mieke , @reef-communitylife ,

Do you have any idea of any of the current exploring members will join us, or will it be a social gathering between Chris, me and maybe Dave?

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Hi @els, Joke (@Jook) just joined Edgeryders and I suggested to join tomorrow.
Normally @Dave_behave confirmed as well and @ChrisM indicated in the poll that he will be there too


Pagona and Jaime, who have started exploring the project, might join as well. Pagona is going to confirm tomorrow… :slight_smile: