While we are forced to keep a physical distance to each other we want to come together regularly to discuss our and your challenges, plans and responses.
As the Edgeryders team, we want to find ways to help our community and beyond to get through this crisis.
Therefore we now open our weekly team calls for the whole community to join in and give us their ideas and feedback. We want to discuss strategies and the situation fully transparent and also check in with each other socially.
**Join us every Monday 17:00 to 18:00 at **
All the best wishes to everyone. We are looking forward to talking to you.
"If you’re hosting a call in the next few days, you can try out our video conference platform. It’s early stages, but I think it will eventually be a viable alternative to zoom: http://now.edgeryders.eu
You can create a room simply by going to ‘now.edgeryders.eu/’ + ‘room name’. It supports up to 2000 rooms and 200 participants per call. More on this shortly, but you can feel free to test it out."
I’ll be there!
If I can help with anything let me know,
I don’t know if most people joining would be those who already registered to contribute to the community covid response, but I think what would be useful would be to build small teams around the 3 strands of contributions - hosting calls, supporting projects, sourcing stories.
Many people are doing lonely work these days in front of the computer, but if we could coordinate for small goals - dedicated themed calls, or prioritising 2-3 projects on which collectives work, it would go a long way.
Topic proposal for the call on Monday, April 6: Webinar building and onboarding
Hi guys,
I thought it might be a good time for us to define a nice smooth flow to onboard and coordinate people around the online platform activities/conversations before, during, and after the webinars.
So perhaps it could be a good idea to dedicate the call this monday (6th April) to figuring this out together?
We could over three things:
start by updating one another on the status of webinars under development.
Then look at how we have done things in the past, what worked well/less well.
Explore new options we have (including tools like the custom made registration - account creation and posting forms, live.edgeryders.eu or the new messaging app that Owen is building)
If you have anything you would especially like us to cover, please add them in a comment below!
How we did it in the past:
We have collected quite some feedback after the Academy Webinar, which made a nice follow up that you can see both on the webinar page + the feedback page. This was a webinar to deliver content from practitioners. But if we run webinars meant to open conversations, then I would imagine each quote - see on the Academy right side content roll turned into an engaging post.