Welcome page (almost) done


@KiraVde, I took the liberty of modifying your text (and shortening it: for example, the explanation of the LOTE series is gone. We could add more information pages, with videos etc).

This should be pushed out via social media on Monday 19th October. To do:

  1. Find the final title.
  2. Replace the stub images with final ones.
  3. find a way to vertically align photos at the top of the table cells. I put in the appropriate inline CSS code, but it does not work. I guess that's appropriate for a conference on failure. Code below.

<td class=“zeroborder”><a class=“hovertext” data-hovertext=“No fail, no party!”

href=“#”><img alt=“image” src=“IMAGE URL”

style=“width:100%;height:auto; vertical-align: top;” /></a></td>

On second thoughts

I made a less complicated layout. Not as cool on very large monitors, but easier to read on normal ones.

I created a group menu, and made a CSS ID (lote5menu) that makes it behave appropriately, but for now there is no need for a menu. I can either leave it there or simplify the page by temporarily removing it.

Had to replace the picture

Because of coprywrite problems for FUN global (it’s not their picture but getty’s, they don’t have permission to use it outside FUN context) - I’ve added the FUN BXL logo so should be alright now, but let’s replace it once we have a logo.

Other than that, FUN global is interested in getting involved, but I think 10 am bxl time is not a convenient moment for work meetings in Mexico City.



Sure, great. There is nothing sacred about 10 am. We can also schedule calls (or some calls) at a more convenient time for them.

The image would work better if it were narrower, square perhaps. Can you crop it?

Yes I can

And I did, I think, my judgement is scewed on whether it’s correct proportions now or not

Panel variants for this group content

Thanks you two! Kira, the picture doesn’t look skewed to me.

Looking back to the conference building manual @Matthias set up for building mini-websites, I’m thinking we should be adapting the menu we see in each node in this group to fit with the Lote5 menu. Now it looks like this, with the css from Lote4 (this seems to be the default):

I tried following instructions in Point 8 in the manual: Apply a group-specific default layout to your group, but the variant I’m adding is not done yet, so bear with me.

Well, actually :slight_smile:

I had provisionally chosen a tungsten color for the menu items. New LOTE, new colors, no? smiley

Group layout is not a priority, I think. We could have the discussion group shaped like all groups, and simply panelize the “custom” pages (teams etc.); even if we do want a group layout, for now it would not apply to any pages, because there is only this one, and it’s panelized!

Discussion group like all the other groups OK…

… but the menu with lote4 css made it look bad (now gone - great!) and it appeared on each post in this group, not only on panelized pages. So between not having a group layout and having a broken one, of course the first option is better :slight_smile:


@KiraVde, have you made a decision on the title? Today is the day we had decided to go public on social media…

Not yet

But I feel intuitively we’re going into the EPICFAIL direction - major ping @ireinga