questions and suggestion to understand and promote ER
Hi all, nice to virtually meet you.
As you know I took part to Kublai, wikicrazia and first edgeriders phase, also thank you to the cohousing project I realized in Milano. Then basically in my normal life I worked for about 15 yrs in market and opinion research companies (ipsos, milwardbrown – being global players- and GPF, Lorien as Italian local agency but much more oriented towards consultancy in mktg, communication, strategy based on surveys , data analysis and social media.) I am also part of a digital start up in SFO called pick1, created by some Italian entrepreneurs. I have worked for the main Italian companies and institutions in the last yrs. at the same time I have contributed to social and cultural activities in Milan and Italy. Now I feel the need to find a kind of synthesis of all this experience that can be board and more meaningful (still being economically sustainable).
I feel I can contribute in several ways (remember I am still full time job with the main company plus advisor to pick1 so I must find a way to have the normal thing I do at the service of ER not adding much stuff until it has become mature enough)
I had an email /gdoc exchange with Alberto. And I ll start from some of the keypoint trying to explain my doubts and questions also in order to be helpful to the preparation of a “sale deck” that can be useful for anyone promoting ER everywhere.
Lets start from the sale deck issue. Pls find a link here of an easy example. Pick1 is “only” a tech platform for social media pools, so much less sophisticated than ER. Its simple, focused and specific. Despite this its very difficult from clients to understand what is it and above all what to do with it,. Which benefits come from it. So the sale desk try to support the storytelling during the presentation. The use of images is very important to fix things in the mind/memory. The slide don’t tell evry detail and keep some things open, because the usage depend often on the client side (situation, needs) and this is a good tip every time. Keep the “product” open…and talking about open consultancy we are already there…but don’t have to be too open or the client comes out with the impression that there is not really its just smoke but no chicken there!
The Er website is well done and full of info but they must been seek and found . on the other side is probably good for the users and the member of the community but a bit too chaotic for a “client trying to understand it”
I feel its important to clarify in a 10 to 15 slide pres
What ER do (trying to keep clear but open)
How (this very important)
Try to clarify what is not and not to confuse “conversation” with just “talking”
Why delivers: saying report or consultancy is not enough. Why is the benefit and the concrete take out fro a client (of course there can be several options and level)
Credentials (council of Europe, cases)
The story of Er, Where it comes from, without being too much apologetic. Tis the less relevant because it talk of the past
Why different and better – key key eky
Who is ER, definition of people, competences
Eventually a knowledge slide with reference to the key ideas, the core scientific ideas (this depends on the presentation style and flow, can be optional)
Company profiles, few core info on the company team, legal
Cases done, cases that could be done
The slides are not enough, people using them should be aware of many hot topics in order to give proper explanation and answer, but at least they help giving communication more efficacy.
It’s good to use graph, schemes and so on. Nadia coming from consultancy should be already used to all this
Sale deck example:
So here below some questions or suggestion from a first read/thought
1.comunity description (statistics) , possibly indicate some top profile (anonymous names). Qualify the community, state the value of knowledge in understandable term. Radicalism is a value, it’s not a clear content. What is a citizen expert and expert in what?
how it works . IMPORTANT: phases, tools, options, who does what, how much time last, take out. Example: selection of issues, problem, topic, community activation, moderated discussion…Role and commitments
who take parts: the ER + local stakeholder + client + anyone willing to do? So how much is public and why. Which are the plus and cons. Probably there should be a typology of different situation along a continuum of “micro issues – global scenarios” and “ER alone – ER with local stakeholder or clients experts - ER with all the people who wants”
concepts of participation/social dialogue and online conversation are abused, I see you did already a scale of level of people participation is a good image for explanation. Here we must qualify why the coming out of these conversation will be very interesting and useful for the client. How possible to “guarantee” the outcome of a conversation, is very intangible. The number of pages doesn’t matter.
which are the topics ER can cover and which not? Examples happened in my life. How much they fit?
Help telecom italia to define what tio do with about 30.000 old telephone points spread out in Italy which now are not used because of mobile tel.
Help Unicredit bank understand the new trends I banking retail and services
Help Unicredit bank understand the development and impact of new form of money…
Help unicredit or intesa bank better connect to the local territories in roder to enhance developments
Help the Sardinia region or Savona provice to define their strategic future being now in a critical economic situation
Help enel identifying good projects /action to sustain better the communities and the areas where their energy plants created environmental problems. Or where they are closing up and so there will be high unemployment. Or future area where they are gonna set an energy plant.
All these big corporation they also have social foundation that do interesting social stuff around the world. Plus they buy too manager training and scenarios/foresight but the usual mckinsey and so on…
Check them out also for other countries. They are present in many countries, not just itay. See links here:
Which outputs deliver? Probably a scenario setting can be a report a presentation a conference, while the others should become much more “concrete” in terms of saying what to do and how. Here I really believe that a top down work (even if done with open consultancy) will not be enough, involvement of local people is crucial. Delivery a live community is still something that describe the process. What at the end of the process ?
selling is very difficult in time of crises more…in Italy…conservative countries much more…so important to map the influencer that can support ER in terms both of media and scientific publications and in term of introduction/support to potential clients.
map potential clients (banks, big companies, foundations…) which is the target?
possible to realize a mini pilot on a interesting topic in order to use it to show to all clients or to make a big media case? Having done something is always better that
idea of time/budget for different projects. Just to have a broad idea.
Wow. I wrote a lot and not sure how much clear/useful
Thanks for reading. We can spoke on the phone – skype - hangout too.