Welcome @Tinne and her partner Koen, who started exploring
Welcome all! @joannes and @Laurianne, looking forward to reconnect; and @SophieC, @AlinT, #@LuciaM, @andrew, Genevieve, @Tinne, Koen, Nathalie (but cannot find her user page here on the forum!) and David, looking forward to get to know you.
Hi there! See you all soon =)
@andrew and Genevieve have decided not to continue with the project following the vote on Wednesday, as the Jette site is a little far from where they would like to be in Brussels. We wish them well for whichever direction they head next…
Hello @reef-exploring,
If you haven’t done so already, can you please fill in the “skills and experience” document and the “which team would you like to join” one?
You can find the links in the checklist, or you can write the title of the document in the Nextcloud search function.
Hello @Tinne @Koen and @joannes. Could you please fill in the document “which team would you like to join”? The link is in the checklist, or else you can also use the search function in Nextcloud.
thank you for the reminder, @Lee. However, i cannot open the document. It says "Loading [name of document]. I can open the checklist and the teams set-up documents all right. And in this last document I see that @alberto and @manuelpueyo are on the IT team! I open NextCloud in Edge on a Windows machine.
Hello @joannes! Nextcloud was meant as file shared storage. Opening and editing documents directly in the browser is supported, sort of, but not good practice.
Suggestion 1: download the files, then open in a word processor like LibreOffice.
Suggestion 2: install the [Nextcloud desktop client], which then takes care of keeping your local copies synced with the server, and only edit locally.
@alberto I found this document useful to get the sync to work smoothly.
(Using the Synchronization Client — Nextcloud Client Manual 3.12.5 documentation)
I decided to sync the whole folder called “The Reef shared folder”. I hope this is good practice.
Yes, that is how NextCloud is meant to be used. I will also open a ticket to use the browser-based editing, but from my end everything is up to date, so I need Tab.Digital to look into it, nothing else I can do myself. Meanwhile, the syncing feature works.
A warm welcome to the platform to @marij_e, @Klaas, @Odile, @Hannah, @RuthF, @KrisV and @Perrine, who are all Exploring Members who have recently attended a public presentation and/or one of the Q&A sessions. You have been added to the main Reeflings group, so you will start to get notifications about what’s currently going on with the project…
Welcome! Looking forward to meeting you!
Welcome everyone. It was so nice to meet some of you last night ! Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have questions.
Enjoy discovering our (not so) little reef
Dear @reef-full and @reef-associate,
Together with @AlinT, we have reached the decision not to join The Reef as full members. This decision stems from our financial position and financial mindset. While we deeply value the many benefits a cohousing project can offer, we do not feel financially comfortable enough to take the plunge.
We have taken every opportunity to learn and experience the project, and we are immensely thankful for everything you have shared with us. The knowledge and experiences we’ve gained from The Reef have been invaluable, and we hope that our input so far will serve you well in the continuation of the project.
We’ll be living quite close by, so I am sure our paths will cross more often than you might think. We look forward to remaining connected and being part of your community-engagement activities whenever possible.
Wishing you all the best in navigating the waters ahead. May The Reef continue to flourish and provide a vibrant home for all its inhabitants.
With heartfelt thanks and warm regard,
Lucia, Alin & Marius
Sad to hear that…It was a pleasure to get to know you (a bit). All the best
Very sad to see you go, but happy if our paths will continue to cross more often than I might think Thank you both for all that you have contributed! It’s been lovely to walk a little bit of our collective journeys together…
So sad to see you go. At the same time, as you say, I really hope that our paths will continue to cross, and hope to see you soon All the best to all 3 of you x
Hello everyone