This is a wiki and WORK IN PROGRESS. Latest version is 29th of March 2019. Please do not share yet
If you are new to Edgeryders: we are a global network of 5000 people who are interested in participation, health, technology, social progress, innovation, and many more topics. We come from all walks of life to access interesting information, make new connections and collaborate. By sharing experiences with one another we turn our collective knowledge into useful advice to make better decisions for ourselves and our families in the near future.
We believe in citizen driven policy agendas, open research and inclusive opportunities for research respondents. We are committed to make it so that all our community projects result in concrete opportunities for members.
Why you, me and everyone we know should participate in the conversation WELLBEING IN EUROPE.
We go on a journey of discovery together. It begins here on the forum, and continues with events, work and opportunities for the most engaged contributors, all throughout 2019-2021. Events and tours all over Europe will enable us to discover one another and share constructive approaches. Anyone is welcome to participate! The steps are:
- Join our open access community! Sign up here.
- Introduce yourself (+Add New Topic), how you are building your life and facing obstacles. Browse ongoing discussions, pick those you are passionate about, and leave constructive comments to support others in their quest.
- Join a weekly virtual café to meet other community members and participate in organising a global event.
What community participants can expect in return
- We will feature your project, work, life story or any burning questions you have, by including in our communications to the network spanning the globe (newsletters, social media etc.). If you need help creating and editing your story, the team can help you! (example)
- An invitation to a local meetup happening around you. All events will have invitations posted here online. Due to limited number of places, priority will be offered to most active online participants by number of posts, comments and most importantly, acknowledgement by peers.
- Possibility to get hired as a Local Connector or Topic Expert for the upcoming community Festival end of 2019 - we will be Local Connectors: facilitators and event planners organising the Festival in their village/city, and Experts who are summarizing and reflecting deeply on existing community conversations, on the basis of which they will be curating themes in the Festival. All the calls for participation will be posted here online and active contributors are the first to be considered.
- An invitation to the project’s Impact Conference (circa 2020/2021) to discuss Europe’s political and social scene, and meet hundreds of community members and celebrate future paths. Due to limited number of places, priority will be offered to most active online participants.
- Accommodation for 3 nights in Brussels at The Reef community space! You choose when, we are happy to host you in a lovely guest room
(about the space)