Werewolves game Saturday 18 November

Hello dear Reeflings,

Any time is good to play the Werewolves game I guess, but the dark November month may be the best moment of all. How about we organise a game night as our next social?


For those who don’t know the game: it’s a game played in a circle with 10-20 players. Each player gets a character card: most people are innocent citizens, but there also 2-3 werewolves. The challenge of the game is to unmask the werewolves, which is done in citizens discussions.

No skills required to play the game, it’s nothing but a pretext to have a good laugh together.

Because we need a certain number of players to be able to play the game I’d be grateful if you could let us know whether you are joining in the poll below.

  • Yes, count me in!

0 voters


Just an idea, but we will have the scouting and community day the next day. Could it be a good option to merge the 2 events?

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Good idea to merge. Or otherwise to organise Werewolves during another weekend? Love the idea :slight_smile:

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To me having it all on one day seems a bit too much. The werewolves game to me is a nice evening activity, which I don’t think can be done after a day of scouting and socialising. Let’s talk tonight?

Hello @reeflings!

It seems like my message above got a bit lost, and that the timing was possibly a bit unfortunate.

So let’s see who’d be willing and available for a couple of werewolf games? Starting time would be around 8 pm.

If you’d like to join, can you please fill in the poll below so that we can pick the date that suits most of us?

  • Saturday 18 November
  • Saturday 25 November
  • Friday 1 December
  • Saturday 2 December
  • I can’t make any of these dates

0 voters


its a pitty we cant join any of the days as we will be moving those weekends :frowning: Victor and I love this game :slight_smile: next time we can join and bring the OneNight Werewolf game :slight_smile:

Ok guys, it seems difficult to organise a werewolves evening at this moment, so I am throwing the towel.


Let’s pick it up soon though!


yes, let’s!!!

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