What am i doing this week 30.10.2019.-06.10.2019.

I should actually write what WE are doing this week. Since we formed the Becej working group, we have been all active in various ways. Thanks to @Ede, we have now people coming to the workshop from Becej Youth Association, municipality, social center and few other local organisations.

We also have all 3 high schools involved, majority of my work this week consists of communication with everyone and coordinating the workshop. Will prepare a poster as well, to be placed at the municipal library (if someone can and wants to help with that, feel free to join in) :slight_smile: .


oooh post a photo? Very curious what it looks like where you are?

Hmm what do you mean? Photo of what?

The places you are hanging out in in Becej, never had heard about it before. it’s nice to have some kind of visual to get a sense of what is is like :slight_smile:

Ah,I am not there now (I am in Brussels). @Ede is the person most responsible for a long list of organisations interested in the Workshop and project overall, he is there on the spot.

Here are few photos anyways :slight_smile: (not mine so I will delete if any worry about copywrite).

Spend many evenings here:
Now I would be here:

There is a nice area along the river, sports center with Olympic outside pool and all, which is the liveliest part of the town (Becej used to be very strong in Waterpolo, champions of Europe).

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