What did we discuss during the Covid19 Community Response Call #1 & What will we do next?

can you add their names plus link to your repository when you are done?

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Got in contact with people in Serbia with various initiatives linked to Covid.

One of them is https://ostanikodkuce.beograd.gov.rs/ , I like how clear it is.
You have 3 options directly:

  1. Need help
  2. I want to donate
  3. Want to volunteer

As you pick your option you get contact details or a contact form.
They had 1000 calls in 3 days, not so much considering it’s Belgrade but it’s a start.
That could be combined with what we discussed during the last week’s call. They also tried to coordinate efforts with government but had no success there so far. I think it would be really effective if we could get any municipality to cooperate and send out the leaflets we would print.
Everyone checks their mailbox.

@mstn yes, it seems to be the same issue everywhere. Due to lack of coordination there are many teams developing same things. It’s a pity, we should reach out to media to try coordinating things better. There are a lot of communities out there willing to contribute but they often don’t know where to direct their energy.

There is a facebook group also called Visionaries of Serbia, they 3D print equipment needed for medical personnel (delivered around 10 000 so far). Also technical universities making respirators etc…but they are also complaining about a lack of coordination. Could we put our effort in coordination, instead of creating something that possibly already exists?

Also, is there a place where you regularly post about zoom calls or should i connect to zoom and have a schedule there somewhere?

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Good pint about the calls. We do not yet have one shared post where we keep the calls all across edgeryders updated and shared, but we should probably do that. @nadia and @noemi , what do you think, I could replace the pinned COVID response call post in campfire with a pinned list with links to all upcoming community calls which all of us can update when something is scheduled?

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YES! I think we need some community volunteers that just go out and ask people what they are doing and what they need help with. Inviting them to a video chat like we do and help them connect and coordinate - document the conversation, post on the platform then push out so others can see who is doing what and what is needed.

Owen is almost done developing an application that makes it easy to do this from people’s whatsapp and telegram apps - basically they follow a link, and then a chatbot asks them some questions, their answers directly go on the platform and we can push it out as “who is doing what today and how you can help”

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this is the role we had in mind when we asked who want to be collaboration djs

found about that :


“an open, public database of COVID-19 innovations. Suppliers of tech solutions can directly post their details online, and be openly searched and browsed by anyone who has a demand, in a peer-to-peer fashion.”


this is excellent

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Public GitHub - mstn/aah: Easily build a static app with a list of shops offering home delivery from a simple json file

I have to fix some strange behaviors, I think due to github pages. But the main idea is to allow people to build clones from a json file (better csv).

I am going to contact now the folks I talked above. Do you have any suggestions about how to proceed?


Just tweet or send them a message on Fb saying “hi, I heard about your initiative and would like to support it. Here is a thing I have already built (url to description of what your app does and the github repo), what are you doing next and how can I help?”


Updates (I write here, let me know if you prefer somewhere else).

The Province of Trento (where I live) released a dataset with 500/600 companies and farms as open data (CC-BY). I have already integrated their data in my app. They have their own platform, but the idea is to build something that can be reproduced in other contexts with just a list of companies.

I am organizing issues here Issues ¡ mstn/aah ¡ GitHub. help-wanted and good-first-issue labels say where I need help. Atm I am not interested in bug reporting, there are bugs, but it is everything wip. Instead I need icons for different kinds of shops.

Today, I am going to find a place for hosting (S3?). The app is 100% html, so I do not need anything too complex. I need also a name! I would like to deploy n websites with url https://{main-city-name}.a-cool-name.com

Another issue: the dataset is public, so I do not think there is any problem in sharing email/phone info about companies. What do you think?

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Fortunately, even during crisis, we have what we need. The best craft beers in Trentino Covid App and Covid App (ok, I know we cannot compete with Belgians).


hmm is it possible to send bottles abroad?

@OCILab there were several people who showed up to be project contributors during the first round of oci lab who have design skills, right? If yes could you help @mstn to post a call for help with design and ping people who have the right skills to help in the OCI Lab space?


@xlox_58 @Aziza @khaoula_rachyq_100 @hassan_abidou_84 @hassan_abidou_59 @yasmin_sahbani_27 @aziza_douma_87 @dhamer_nader_16 @hamza_barnaoui_57 @ikdem_ben_mbarek_82 @farouk_hzami_5

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Notes from Covid response call 6th of April:

@MariaEuler , @johncoate , @nadia, @noemi, @msanti, @manuelpueyo, @lylycarrillo


Massimo recounting his initial connection with Edgeryders from 2013, but was interrupted by a bad connection.

Initially conversation about current situation: Walks, people pretending nothing happens.

Conversation Snippets:

Italy is not thinking about removing any of the limitations. People are afraid and the government reacts similarly. Everyone knows what to do by now. Very few people are avoiding the rules.

Are people convinced it is justified?

There is certain self regulation and a fear/willingness to be commanded by the government. there is a stage approach to this, where people are willing for somebody else to take responsibilities and critiques of the governmental measures are not welcome>

Luckily my family is relatively ok even so we live near one of the initial hotspots.

Nadia walked us trough what is currently happening and planned at Edgeryders:

Plan moving forward is:
We have number of themes like: Work in times of Covid

Our goal is to provide 1. therapy as well as 2. to create new workoportunities and find ways to do meaningful work and 3. for people to share experiences on that line. (Storytelling: What are people doing? What works, what not? What can we learn from this!)

Purpose of line 1:
Helping everyone feeling better

Purpose of line 2:
Connect people and projects >> help people merge initiatives and save resources.

Purpose of line 3:
Leaning for the future (disasters)

We also intend to help to find funding by helping to reach out to funders, finding calls and setting up crowdfunding.

How we will make it happen:

Curated Webinars:

  • Enables people to get in to join to learn, to disseminate knowledge.

The next step would be for us to try to understand what you (massimo) would like to contribute/what you would need.

That will help us to structure:

Interested in the avoiding replication: searching and finding in the big ocean of ideas and activities that are flooding internet today
Spot the most relevant, connect the people involved in those projects to find a way to minimise overhead of activities
e.g had a call with Marco that proposed a local shopping application and another guy who had a website of similar activity.
Would like to engage in this kind of activities
Can help with Online hackathon e.g editing some materials EG slides
And providing some expertise on data science and analysis

Massimo described the experience in connecting Marco and the other developer:
Vicino e sicuro (https://vicinoesicuro.it/): focused on web desktop accessibility, not mobile and have data sharing agreement with shops that is not Creative Commons, not able to share shopkeepers data because of Italian data privacy regulation - they had used a signup form where they had not asked for needed permissions.

The problems: The other developers do not want to collaborate further and data regulations also complicates the next step and them sharing their data.

Massimo and Marco will see if they can coordinate to be in touch with more networks that enable the using and sharing of data, such as the municipality or facebook groups.

Hurdles to getting the wider collaboration

There are two approaches: developing something that works as fast as possible and is open and dealing directly with the proper data restrictions was difficult, so people worked with systems of potentially questionable data.

Massimo raises examples of other services that started during emergencies but continued being used afterwards: Open street map hot (which was made during an earthquake crisis/emergency in Haiti). https://www.hotosm.org/ It became an organised system and now they are also working on something for covid.

It might be interesting to look into more examples like that.

Massimo: It would be interesting to collect cases which could be recreated after the crisis. A lot of people are learning about a new way of working or buying groceries online now or how to connect with neighbours. I think that a lot of this new learning will be lost after the crisis. I think trying to create a website that helps to make these changes and learnings more permanent would be useful.

Check-in with Liliana:

What are you now interested in?

Liliana has been doing focused work on writing applications and could not follow the online dialogue during that time.

One of the things she is doing is situated in Portugal, and also feels that many things are scattered. A map of initiatives would be useful,

She could contribute connecting to projects and contributing to webinars:
She worked with Rob van Kranenburg Project (DI)
H2020 with her employer’s organisation involved in sewing masks etc.
Relevant links from Liliana’s projects:
Disposable Health ID (though my name is not in this page yet, somehow): healthcrisis/README.md at master ¡ disposableidentities/healthcrisis ¡ GitHub

ABOUT The Webinars:

  • Here people can propose webinars: . Webinar & Community Call Schedule: Proposals/Wishlist - #4 by noemi
  • We have our own self-hosted video rooms (now.edgeryders)
  • We can do webinars that have restricted chat access:
  • Two levels of participation: Some people can just listen in, who have been there before can join into the conversation.
  • One version: Prefilm webinar and have the person who did the webinar aktive in the chat to directly answer questions
  • Crowdfunding: for conversations you get your question featured in the chat
  • Signup Forms: https://register.edgeryders.eu/ helps info, call quality, consent and follow up
  • Webkit: We can quickly put together minisites around specific themes that pick up content from the platform by taggs. Example: https://work.edgeryders.eu/

These are standardised components.

Our resources:

  • We can set up such a minisite around topics like for a recurring webinar
  • Community management
  • Outreach

What else is being developed:

An app that connects apps like telegram and WhatsApp with an edgeryders chatbot that creates an account and posts for you on the platform. This way people can easily forward good posts. But it is still experimental.

Conversation with Massimo and Liliana about coordinating their efforts on coordinating projects:

Find a benchmark of projects that are working on the same topic and make interviews and queries with them, find the common points and from there develop tools and guidelines on how to connect such initiatives.

I would like to invite Massimo to join the telegram about the Disposable Health Identities. ( https://github.com/disposableidentities/healthcrisis/blob/master/README.md
) Because there are already a lot of interviews happening , with people in hospitals or in projects which are good to learn from. Helping people to connect one by one. 

What is not happening in that network is mapping all those initiatives that are popping up. There I see a need. Therefore:

Call to people in this group to make a map of all the initiatives popping up.


Will join the call on thursday to see how to help.

Please post on the platform what you discover when you do your research and interviews. This way we can also learn how to help further.
A shared post could be a starting point to start the quest of mapping.


Making one call for mapmakers! To align those initiatives before we double the learning and efforts in mapping as well.

Who is doing mapping attempts? How are they doing it? What is working well - what is not working well?

Setting up a call for focusing on mapping for in 3 weeks time:

MAY the 4TH be with you: Mapping our way through the universe

Call notes for these COVID Response Calls always go here:


> 17:24:48	 Von  nadia : Vicino e sicuro: focused on web desktop accessibility, not mobile and have data sharing agreement with shops that is not Creative Commons, not able to share shopkeepers data because of Italian data privacy regulation - they had used a signup form where they had not asked for needed permissions
> 17:25:45	 Von  nadia : Data collective sharing challenges
> 17:26:48	 Von  nadia : Also, there is a growing number of website both by nonprofits and for profits collecting info about shops that are can provide home delivery options and municipalities also running platforms
> 17:27:06	 Von  nadia : Plus lots of private facebook groups
> 17:27:20	 Von  nadia : Hurdles to getting the wider collaboration
> 17:29:27	 Von  Maria : which example was that again?
> 17:29:32	 Von  nadia : Massimo: Two ways to think about it. Will to be very fast in deploying a solution that really works NOW, because the notice happened very sudden. The need to have groceries delivered at home was immediate. This system does not scale…. Thinkinking about other systems that started during emergency and the became standard. E.G open street map with earthquake, they opened it to contributors
> 17:29:33	 Von  Maria : openstreet map?
> 17:29:48	 Von  nadia : But then they continued to develop it after
> 17:30:01	 Von  Massimo Santi : https://www.hotosm.org/
> 17:30:15	 Von  nadia : are currently also working on a cover response!
> 17:32:34	 Von  nadia : Collecting cases that could be replicated afterwards, because people find new ways of doing things of collaboration supporting neighbours etc. That will then disappear - would be good to have network that could steward and create permanent change
> 17:33:03	 Von  Maria : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QFDObK9eljZROIobxIJDrVCNJ4I-8cT7AeCROX30bmA/edit?usp=sharing
> 17:33:03	 Von  nadia : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QFDObK9eljZROIobxIJDrVCNJ4I-8cT7AeCROX30bmA/edit?usp=sharing
> 17:35:55	 Von  nadia : Liliana involved in corona crisis management applications. Lots of spread initiatives but not getting into alignment. Would be useful to do efforts to connect and help to maybe merge them.
> 17:36:52	 Von  nadia : Liliana: might be interested in doing webinar connecting initiatives in different countries, and helping to align them
> 17:37:29	 Von  nadia : Liliana: Has done two applications for funding, one is Robs and another H2020 one via her employer/ orgs
> 17:37:53	 Von  nadia : Also involved in some initiatives in Brussels e.g sewing masks
> 17:38:53	 Von  Maria : https://edgeryders.eu/t/community-calls-overview-all-over-edgeryders/13146/8
> 17:39:09	 Von  nadia : Where we are collecting proposals for webinars/online calls where we can invite people: https://edgeryders.eu/t/webinar-community-call-schedule-proposals-wishlist/13044/4
> 17:39:32	 Von  John Coate : zoom call Friday 17:00 zoom number 566 856 2
> 17:39:35	 Von  John Coate : 33
> 17:39:40	 Von  Liliana Carrillo : https://www.nocorona.info/
> 17:39:42	 Von  Liliana Carrillo : https://www.masques-coronavirus.brussels/
> 17:39:52	 Von  nadia : 1. https://edgeryders.eu/t/webinar-community-call-schedule-proposals-wishlist/13044/4
> 17:40:28	 Von  nadia : https://now.edgeryders.eu/room/community?fbclid=IwAR1GMjc6SCd9ASrD4E8nDfA1afWvzvMCkHWZ__prp6RgS-f6psfRhF2s6U0
> 17:41:08	 Von  Liliana Carrillo : Disposable Health ID (though my name is not in this page yet, somehow): https://github.com/disposableidentities/healthcrisis/blob/master/README.md
> 17:41:34	 Von  nadia : https://live.edgeryders.eu/
> 17:42:23	 Von  Liliana Carrillo : https://tech4covid19.org/en/
> 17:43:12	 Von  nadia : https://register.edgeryders.eu/
> 17:45:10	 Von  nadia : https://work.edgeryders.eu/
> 17:53:51	 Von  nadia : Idea, tools, or guidelines as output
> 17:54:09	 Von  nadia : Research on state of the art for finding people and doing interviews
> 17:54:11	 Von  Maria : Find a benchmark of projects that are working on the same topic and make interviews and queries with them, find the common points and from there develop tools and guidelines on how to connect such initiatives.
> 17:55:29	 Von  nadia : An invitation to join the telegram group of the disposable health id - there is already an active community of people on it. There are people who are already doing interviews etc
> 17:55:42	 Von  nadia : What is not happening is mapping all those initiatives that are popping
> 17:56:01	 Von  nadia : one way for Massimo to join the call the pandemic surveillance call on thursday
> 17:57:07	 Von  Noemi : <3 have to run, thankssss for the call guys!
> 17:57:12	 Von  Liliana Carrillo : https://github.com/disposableidentities/healthcrisis/blob/master/README.md
> 17:58:16	 Von  nadia : 1. Go to a telegram group where there are already discussions about ideas and interviews for corona crisis management. See what is happening.
> 17:58:40	 Von  nadia : See what are already existing intiatives
> 17:58:44	 Von  nadia : And how to align them
> 18:00:24	 Von  Liliana Carrillo : 2. Make a map/list of initiatives that are popping up in several countries.  State of the art.
> 18:00:31	 Von  nadia : 2. Map initiatives that are happening (non-digital and digital, like sewing masks). Another is things happening in Portugal that people do not know
> 18:00:44	 Von  Liliana Carrillo : 3.  Support networking and building connections among those initiatives
> 18:01:14	 Von  nadia : Liliana is interested in a list of initiatives and supporting people to collaborate.
> 18:01:20	 Von  nadia : mapping
> 18:02:12	 Von  Maria : MAPPERCALL
> 18:03:16	 Von  nadia : Who is doing mapping attempts? How are they doing it? What is working well - what is not working well?
> 18:03:33	 Von  nadia : How to support people who are doing this work
> 18:04:25	 Von  nadia : 4
> 18:04:27	 Von  nadia : weeks
> 18:04:39	 Von  nadia : I week to set up the invitation to people to show up
> 18:04:56	 Von  nadia : And then 3 weeks to send it out into the world so mappers find it
> 18:05:29	 Von  nadia : MAY the 4TH be with you: Mapping our way through the universe
> 18:05:59	 Von  nadia : https://edgeryders.eu/t/webinar-community-call-schedule-proposals-wishlist/13044/4
> 18:09:27	 Von  Liliana Carrillo : can someone tag me on edgeryders?
> 18:09:42	 Von  Maria : tagg you in what?
> 18:10:13	 Von  Liliana Carrillo : somewhere to know Massimo on the tool
> 18:11:36	 Von  nadia : https://edgeryders.eu/t/what-did-we-discuss-during-the-covid19-community-response-call-1-what-will-we-do-next/12945/55
> 18:11:41	 Von  Massimo Santi : poor connection at the moment
> 18:12:05	 Von  Liliana Carrillo : I stopped my video to see if it improves

Non-hierarchical Collective Intelligence is the topic where I work the most, and probably I was part of the initial conversations that supported giving birth to OCI Lab. I was involved in the H2020 collective intelligence incubator work together with @BlackForestBoi @MariaEuler and others, and gave also some internal ‘talk’, presentation about this. I am very very happy to see that in my absence (I was co-writing EU proposals) the OCI Lab has been born! Congratulations to all, this is wonderful!

I do not know exactly what is needed at @OCILab at the moment, and I would love to see how things have moved forward with OCILab, and know about the needs, I would love to contribute with my skills. I have been doing some research work to actually setup a legal structure in Belgium, a non-profit organization, related to this. So, definitely want to support this.

Hey sorry, I think I missed the past call.

@msanti let’s coordinate. I agree that we should work for when the crisis is over. How? Why should people keep buying locally? I do not know, supermarkets are so convenient. Is it economically sustainable for small shop owners offer a delivery service? Do they have time to interact with digital services? I think not. Now they do that because the alternative is zero euros.

My negative answers should not be read as pessimism. I think we should look for a solution that should be also self-sustainable.

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