What did we discuss during the Covid19 Community Response Call #1 & What will we do next?

This thread is where we are collecting and structuring our notes from the group video chats. It is a collective notepad, so please add your own notes if you took them or see that something important is missing.

What we are trying to do in this initiative: Building a distributed cluster of mutual support between people located in different places (towns, cities, countries, language regions). We are moving from a network to a system. The difference being that in a network, people are trying to see how they can benefit from the activities of others. Whereas in a system, people are willing to change their own operations/ models etc around the common goals.

Proposals for next step:

  • Run a Challenge for the OCI Lab: "Find a nice fun way to get people to develop appropriate voice and telephone based methods and tools for coordination of crisis response. And an engagement campaign to drive adoption in the local context. " With Marco and Martinā€™s projects as the use cases. What do you think about working on this together @ichraf and @MariaEuler with support from @OCILab and @zmorda ?
  • Collect & Share Relevant Stories to the situation in Different Countries: Connect people with stories from the community of some of the interesting initiatives where people are working on community projects with similar objectives that are being run under similar social or political conditions We have a huge archive of this material on the platform. Perhaps we could start by better understanding the Polish context from Wolja, find stories from OpenCare, Wellbeing in Europe and Futurespotters collections - then have a discussion on the platform with Wolja and other community members based in Poland, to see what insights, connections or initiatives can be useful in the Polish con. What do you think @amelia noemi about helping with this?

Context for the proposed actions:

@Martin: Lives in a small community in Germany, where he needs to coordinate efforts between people who use landline phones or simple mobiles (not smartphones), as well as explain the concept of exponential growth to people who are making important decisions in the community (e. Local officials) He will purchase an open video room that is always open and accessible and invites others to meet in the video room. Then look at how to manage it. Needs help with: 1) Find a good way to coordinate for mixed teams where some do not use the internet or smartphones and 2) Find good, easy to understand explanations and examples to explain exponential growth which is a counterintuitive concept for many 3) Structured activities for using the video room (@KatarinaBtc suggestion)

@Mstn: Is based in Italy, (where - rural? Urban? Small/Big population?). He is building an open source mobile application to make it easier for people to avoid queues at the supermarkets by making it easier to find and buy from small local places that offer home delivery. The objective is to collect information and make it easily available in your phone, as well as establish its use enough that people continue to buy from small local shops even after the crisis is over. There are initiatives that are doing this to some extent, but they have a number of issues. They tend to be map based which Marco feels is not a good interface for the purpose, hyperlocal and only available in some places e.g Milan or Bologna. Also, some of what he has come across e.g a guy in Rome collecting google modules may work for the short term, but we need to think further (privacy concernsI guess? Something else?) Needs help with: 1) Reaching out to existing initiatives and encouraging them to use the app 2) Reaching out to a lot of people to compile lists of shops in their neighbourhoods and upload the information into the database. Ideas- add functionality/ interface for people who want to volunteer to deliver food to keep costs low for small shop owners.

@katerinabc is offering support with her data analysis skills (need the audio recording to make good notes)

@Ichraf: Runs a creative/coworking space in Tunisia and has been involved in hosting OCI Lab activities in it. There is a big established community around the space of people who want to build things in response to the pandemic (how many? What skillsets?). Some want to work on apps for Corona. Some are experimenting with 3-D printing masks. Others are developing software for localisation of people who might be ill. Ichraf needs to find a different business model to secure commitment from the members and the membership fees. Perhaps move some of the activities online. The first challenge here is content - the OCI Lab webinar screenings had high attendance and that the content and format appealed to her community : ā€œIn Tunisia people donā€™t communicate in writing muchā€. Another is that of payment. She is considering delaying collection of payment until after the crisis as it is difficult to collect money digitally in Tunisia. People do not trust neither online payment nor mobile payment systems - they do not trust that they will not get cheated/robbed. Ichraf needs help with: 1) Finding the right content and activities to keep her coworking community active and committed now that they cannot use the physical space 2) Finding a way to collect/manage payment when people do not trust putting their fiat money into digital or mobile platforms.

@Kajafarszky: Described the situation in the performing arts/cultural sector. In many ways there are parallels to what @jasen_lakic and @matteo_uguzzoni were describing with board games. She also shared a list of remote culture activities. @HadeerGhareeb maybe you should also add your proposal for running the online game calls here?

Wolja (need the recording from the conversation to make good notes) . - also I do not know her handle here on the platform, does anyone else? @noemi or @MariaEuler ?

We need everyoneā€™s inputs into what is going on, what initiatives people are already working on - and how we can support efforts to cope with the COVID29 crisis.

What do you think about the above? Share your thoughts in a comment below!


I am reaching out to the most active community members in the Polish part of the forum, but perhaps being Polish would help a lot to get a response.

Wolja, if you are reading this: get in touch, it would be great if I could walk you throuhg the stories so far so that you can see if somehting would be interesting for you.

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How about some of the community members working in places like Belarus, Georgia or Egypt? Ping @inge. I think there may also b some parallels to draw with some of what we are seeing with people trying to do community organising in difficult political situations elsewhere e.g on the continent. There may be historical precedents to draw, do you see any parallels to how people were passing on information to organise under Apartheid @irmawilson ?

Also I donā€™t know if @rysiek @petros_at_freelab are still active in Poland or not - i think @smari might have lured Rysiek to Icelandā€¦

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Iā€™m also collecting articles from local newspapers from the countries where I understand the language (or almost), to make a list of how different governments reacted for the cultural sectors, and what kind of help they are offering during this time.


Hi to all! An hint for @mstn. There is a project (map based) to find nearby home deliveries, started in Reggio Emilia and now open to all Italy: https://www.vicinoesicuro.it/ (I could reach Cristiano Ferrari TW: cieffe27 - main developer is TW: sghedo)


Our aim to start Didi Asks was to enhance communication that we believe nurture social connection that has the potential to become your support network. We personally and generally touched how isolation can generate panic, loneliness, depression, and anxiety.

Therefore, once the call for #StayHome started we as a response shifted our work into online. We started last Thursday and so far we realized 5 calls, some of them connecting people from Colombia, Germany, Austria, Indonesia and the USA ā€¦ we got a request from a group from India too.

We can see how tackling the social aspect of the crisis is as important as the medical part.
2 hours of socializing meeting new people or even playing it with your friends and knowing new sides about them, fuel the playersā€™ energy and make them feel connected to a bigger tribe.

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where/ how are you doing this? Want to run one for this community and if yes what would you technically need to do this ?

We run two official calls per week (one Arabic and one English) we use Google Hangout since it is free.

For the community: i think it will be better to be hosted by your Zoom account. nothing else needed :smiley:
general info:
nu. of players from 5 to 14.
Duration: from an hour and half to two hours (depend on the number of players)

I will just need to know the number of the player before the call and their whataspp number (or any other proposed way) to send them privately their cards.


ok we can probably organise this as a nice next event? ping @MariaEuler can you help set this up?


I havenā€™t heard or seen anything Georgia specific, besides in the LGBTIQ community (who are hit really hard as a significant amount of people are homeless and/or sex workers) which have hosted fundraisers, organized community services online, and made it possible to deliver condoms and lube (in an extremely conservative country such as Georgia, the latter is a pretty huge deal).
Iā€™m scouting for some more positive examples, but since most people live with several generations in one house, itā€™s a bit different here. Iā€™ll keep you posted.

Do you know how they are organising?

several formal and informal groups, activists and community members are part of a very active facebook group where most is discussed and planned

Hello - I try to write a story ā€˜how to read figuresā€™ starting from numbers communicated today (Italy: 4789 newly infected and total numbers 63,927; Germany: 4764 newly infected and total numbers 27,436). Purpose of the text ā€˜how to understandā€™ exponential growth, heterogeneous data, etc. best regards, Martin

p.s. the Video Meeting Room is open (mail me to get the link; keep in mind that i is an open space, my grandchildren may come in = home office second level)


Thanks, some guys and I are compiling a list in Italian for websites of this kind (do you want to join us?). GitHub - mstn/awesome-coronavirus-italia: Awesome list with resources to fight the covid emergency (mainly šŸ‡®šŸ‡¹) (vicinosicuro is already there! there is one for Milan https://www.filaindiana.it/)

I do not use twitter. Can you give me their emails in private? We can make a call to sync!


There are several initiatives now in the board game industry to design games which can be played online via zoom etcā€¦also few contests to design solo games or games which can be easily printed at home and played by anyone (initiatives in response to the isolation period).

@HadeerGhareeb I would definitely like to learn more and also maybe bring more people to your game. There are big online communities, industry professionals and players, who could be interested.

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@msanti if you know them maybe it would be nice to write an email to them introducing @mstn ? could make it a bit easier to connect with themā€¦


Thank you @jasen_lakic
Here is a link about the game I posted earlier in the platform and I will be happy to answer any questions you have,until we play all together :slight_smile:

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@HadeerGhareeb, as an event on the platform/for the community here maybe via zoom or similar, would work best. What do you think? If you want just give me a date and I set it up and we put together a post to share with people :). Do you have any images with which we could put together a flyer?

Happy to help :slight_smile:


Zoom will be great, if not we used Google hangouts and worked well.
Date: Friday 27th - 5 or 6 PM

Here is our FB Page, it has many pictures: Facebook

Looking forward to that :slight_smile:

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@ichraf would you be interested to connect in a call to discuss how to write a design call for the platform and beyond sharing for this?

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