What is a good place near you around which you can convene people to share their stories?

Alright will do.
Does that yes mean we have a budget for that? :slight_smile:


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I think the best way for me to record information is audio, least invasive and inexpensive. Will check how viable is the smart phone for that, worst case scenario is getting one of those devices journalists use ;).

Also, shouldn’t we translate this part in Serbian:

"European elections.

We are on a journey to help one another to find the right ways to navigate the changes that are happening in Europe. How are we building good lives against a backdrop of massive social, economic, political challenges. How are we creating opportunities for ourselves and where can we support one another better? In work, health, family, community life.

How you, me and everyone we know can participate:

  1. Sign up here! to join our community
  2. Join a weekly Virtual Cafe! an online video gathering to meet other community members! This will enable our community hosts to welcome you in person and connect you to people based on your common interests. Calls are hosted in Czech, Polish, Serbian/Croatian, or English language.
  3. Share your story in +New Topic: how you are accessing work and prosperity, get health and social care, practice spirituality, or others! Pick one you are passionate about, and go ahead and write what is important to you. Offer support to others by leaving comments to their stories.

We look forward to meet you!"

AND, please add my photo to Wellbeing in Europe | Edgeryders , give me some legitimacy :smiley:

If you need a photo of my hairy chest or little finger let me know…I also have quite a collection of limp dick photos from my internet stalker days :sunny:

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Thanks for spotting it! It’s the intro on the Serbian forum - we didnt translate it because we didn’t have anyone on board.

If you can do it would be great, happy to replace the text!

As for photo- upload it in the Stragey drive + short bio? Will make sure it’s on the site.

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Hey guys,

I have read the document. My idea was to complement two tactics: I will now participate in events of The Climate Week in Brno. These events will be a good place to start conversations and these contacts should be easy to maintain. Then, in Brno, I will follow to gather stories in the inglorious pub of Posledni Lec where diversity of people and availability of alcohol could make it easier to make contact with people of different socio-economic backgrounds.

Next to this, I will visit the village of Lomnice where I will work on creating there a stable group of storytellers and this group could eventually get bigger and bigger.

po 9. 9. 2019 v 13:43 odesílatel Nadia E.N. via Edgeryders contact@edgeryders.eu napsal:


Hi @zalesjan - I have a proposal for you and the research team @Jan @Richard @amelia @noemi @jasen_lakic @natalia_skoczylas @mrchrisadams

It departs from an overlap between technology, populism and environmentalism.

The Tactical Tech collective has called for organisations to partner with them/their work in exploring and spreading awareness about how digital technologies and personal data are used to influence our thoughts and behaviours. With special focus on how this influences/is used in politics. I think it could be a good opportunity for our project to to engage with environmentalists and technologists if there is a concrete, action oriented outcome from the event/engaging in dialogue. They are especially interested in partners operating in Eastern Europe.

And we are well suited to do it. As you may or may not know one of the tracks at the festival is deep green - looking at the role of technologies/technologist (especially digital) and the transition to a zero-carbon or even carbon-negative future. There is even a rough outline for what a workshop around the topic could look like. And we could then reach out in a focused way to environmentalists and technologists with a clear value proposition. In Czechia, there is a potentially strong ally in the Pirates - they are also in the European Parliament. Curious to hear what everyone thinks!

Hi everybody,

I read whole manual and I have to thanks a lot for putting plenty of effective tips!

My plan to find people with their stories is to have series of discussing sessions in „farm market“ located in my neighbourhood. It is quite new place opened just by the subway station – it is not typical commercial farm market , but more likely open and vibrant chill-out zone and natural meeting point for locals. Besides there are local producers of variety of bio/street food, there is also playground for children, bar with stage (organizing various cultural events) and cozy café with terrace, where I am very often and also I have been working here for months.

Although majority of time I am sitting there alone (f.e. working), always it ends up with chat with some „strangers“. This is the place (unfortunately only one in our district), where people naturally come together to share their stories – typically about topics connected to wellbeing in our district. From my point of view this whole place connecting unknown neighbours together, because it is open for everybody - literally people of all ages, economic backgrounds and different statuses are meeting and chatting here with open minds in positive atmosphere.

My idea is to start there discussion corners on regular basis – firstly with couple of my friends, who are engaged in topics of our neighbourhood and invite other people to join our discussion – how I said, normally when we are chatting there (no matter about what topic), other „locals“ are use to join us, so based on this experience, I would like to gather stories and enthusiasts for ER platform. All the square is wi-fi ready so there is advantage in showing to new potential member how the virtual community looks like and works.

Last but not lease I am trying to figure out if there will be possibility to have ER festival also there, because it could naturally attract more people „from the streets“ to participate for further steps of this project. Hand in hand with in that it could be value for our district that the festivals open for everybody share part of knowledge of people participating in this project, which could bring inspiring topic for new discussions of local people living here.


@AskaBednarczyk and @Mikomann today is the deadline for this, would you share with @nadia the resulta of your research so she can help you find the right strategy?

I think this is an interesting demographic. One thing we could do is offer in exchange is online sessions where we’d pair them with some people from our network - they could practice their english skills, or better yet - get information about interesting career paths i.e. I could tell them about weird jobs of the future :-)) I think it could be an exchange program of sorts, no?


Cześć ludzie,

Jako, że działamy już od dwóch miesięcy, jesteśmy nieco w innym momencie i nie do końca potrafię w tym momencie wejść w poszukiwanie miejsca i budowania w ten sposób społeczności.
W tej chwili skupiamy się z mocno na evencie: staramy się o lokal i usiłujemy uaktywnić zespół facylitatorów. Pracujemy nad działaniami komunikacyjnymi, żeby ludzie zechcieli się u nas udzielać i usiłujemy z mozołem budować społeczność.
Zamierzam też dokopać się do wszystkich grup na fb i też nie tylko, do których należałem/należę i spróbować je jakoś zachęcić do udziału .

Gdyby jednak to nie powiodło się, to udam się do pobliskich parków (jestem ojcem i często spędzam tam czas z córką), na place zabaw i spróbuję zachęcić młodych rodziców do rozmowy. Jak również do miejsca lokalnej akywności społecznej (mamy takie fajne centrum społeczne), w którym dużo się dzieje. Może udałoby się zrobić jakieś małe spotkanie, w jakiejś ważnej sprawie dla lokalnej społeczności… Jakąś konsultację społeczną…
Przeczytałem strategię. Bardzo interesująca

Hi again :slight_smile:
I got an idea for what could be a good way to draw people into a conversation.
One approach which could maybe work is to start with films as a conversation starter on our topics of focus. You get a mini projector, and small bluetooth speaker, and project a film on a wall somewhere public. Have some foldable chairs there and record the conversations with your phone. You then make a post with the video of the movie trailer for what you say, and the documentation of what you heard in the conversations. Inviting people to join the final event by signing up on platform and sharing their own thoughts about the film/text contents. If you pick up their email addresses you can follow up after.

Yep, that’s a great idea

Nice idea with the park and especially with social center. That could be a doorway for people to join in the storytelling and the festival later.


I will ping few people from Serbia, they are joining the community.

Also Slovenian pirates could be very interested, will forward to them.

Great ideas, @zalesjan @kuba_svehla and @jasen_lakic - three distinct approaches and so much energy :slight_smile: Kudos!

I think, regarding the Czech events, we could have two small events in two cities - it’s also worth considering partnering up with something that already exists (Maybe in Jan’s case) and finding an additional funding if we need more. But if you can think of two small, intimate “nodes” happening in both cities, I’d totally support the idea;)


What’s a stragey drive? :stuck_out_tongue:
Here is the translation:

Panevropski pokret gradjana koji podrzavaju jedni druge, dok stvaraju prakticne politicke preporuke pre I posle Evropskih izbora.

Mi smo na putu da pomazemo jedni drugima da se snadju u svim promenama koje se desavaju u Evropi. Kako gradimo dobre zivote uprkos ogromnim drustvenim, ekonomskim i politickim promenama. Kako stvaramo mogucnosti za nas i kako mozemo bolje podrzati jedni druge? U radu, zdravlju, familiji, zivotu zajednice.

Kako ti, ja i svako koga znamo moze ucestvovati:

  1. Registruj se ovde! Pridruzi se zajednici

Ucestvuj u nedeljnom virtual kafeu! Onlajn video skup da bi upoznao ostale clanove zajednice! Ovo ce omoguciti nasim domacinima da te licno upoznaju I povezu te sa ljudima sa zajednickim interesima. Pozivi su hostovani na Ceskom, Poljskom, Srpsko-Hrvatskom i Engleskom.

Podelite vasu pricu na +Nova Tema: kakav je tvoj pristup poslu I prosperitetu, zdravlju i socijalnoj sigurnosti, praktikovanju duhovnosti ili druge teme! Izaberite temu o kojoj ste stravstveni, napisite sta je vazno za vas. Pruzite podrsku drugima kroz komentare na njihove price.

Radujemo se sto cemo vas upoznati!

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this sounds very very interesting. I am just not sure I understand the thing entirely.
I will study in more detail the call and then we could perhaps make a teleconference to prepare the details. would you be available tomorrow afternoon? or on Wednesday.

Hello guys,

So, it is finalized. I will present the Edgeryders platform at the closing event of the Brno Climate Week.
There will be concerts with biggish names, some speakers from culture, science etc.
Mainly, this will be a place and time to meet and discuss about the climate change and what we can do about it. To make this event more interesting, there will be stands that will explain activities of a particular project/platform.

So this is where I will talk to people about our vision and also about their lives.

Do we have a standardized way to show our logo? a banner or something like this?

@natalia_skoczylas @nadia @noemi

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wonderful news, @zalesjan Looking forward to seeing the results of it - it might be just the perfect way to attract people to the platform around a burning, but also divisive issue. Good luck, I will be striking in Berlin, sending energy your way :slight_smile:

I am not aware of a standardized way to present our visual material. Do you need me to provide you with anything?

Sorry for replying so late, we’re all traveling atm

@TamaraVuk some interesting info here for you maybe