What would you bring to the Unmonastery?


Hey Involute,

sounds awesome! I’m sure we could probably get some people part of the www.wwoof.org to host or volunteer to help.

There’s a possible location :slight_smile:

That’s the spirit

Hey Yatan, good to meet you! Welcome to Egderyders and thanks for the proposal. That’s the spirit…:slight_smile:

how about emergency training mixed with performance art?

How about medical emergency basic training? It is something which contributes to the resilience and even is no bad stuff happens it builds up confidence.

I haven’t found any free and accessible basic medial training, which is comprehendsible, because EFR trainers need remuniration.

The ones I have seen as a part of formal education, are a bit formal and boring, therefore the skills don’t really stick into the brain.

But then again, may be it can be infrasctructured in a way that people can get in the unMonastery?

May be as a game, or performance or a play?

We’ve got people in ER community who know abt performance art quite a lot.

We will need to find more medical ER’s too. I’m sure we’ve got some in a callapsitarian bunch?

So that people can learn emergency first responce in the environment which is close to “real”

There are courses like that in Europe, but they are extremely expensive.

(I’ve got my EFR training as a part of dive course, which I payed for)

could be used as a practical example for resilient health

I know next to nothing about medical emergency response. You mean things like Emergency medical services - Wikipedia ?

I’d be interested in learning how this would shape up, for the purposes of “resilient health”. http://edgeryders.ppa.coe.int/help-build-edgeryders-p2p-school-resilience/mission_case/report-resilience-session-resilient-health-

Framing it as a game or performance art looks extremely interesting. You mean it would be a way to convey the practical knowledge better? A way to call people’s attention? A way to make it more memorable?

It’s a great concept: make resilience and health fun. (Note to self: gamification of health-care and instant communities.)

Of course, some somber serious thinkers will need to look at the quality of the knowledge, maybe evaluate what is it that people remember after the fact, etc. University folks?

Perhaps direct links to myriad health specialists?

Hi Lucas,

I’m not sure if I mentioned a company I work with in LA, www.thehealist.com … We are in startup stage and will be expanding to become a self care and prevention resource with the aim of building a connective distributed service connecting people, practitioners, researchers and specialists in both mainstream and alternative health traditions.

One of ur team is Marni Borek from Vyclone, a social video app that can be used to create and distribute 60second videos on any topic, it could be a useful thing in the work.

In any case I’l do what I can to contribute.


Yes, but who can do it?

Needless to say, experimenting with peer-to-peer, low cost health care systems is extremely important. However, any project walks on the legs of the people pushing it forward, so “could be used” is very very different from “I volunteer to do it”! You, Lucas, know a lot about this stuff and would be very credible in mounting a project like this… are you really up for a three-month residency in the Unmonastery? Is someone else who is as credible as you? But yes, implementation issues aside this would be a great way to run an experiment on resilient health care.

No idea

I don’t think I’ll be able to free three months of my time. (Unless things become really unstable, and then whatever I said today becomes a thing of the past.)

I will ask my peers, with really low expectations. (I can imagine them scratching their heads like mad at the unmonastery idea.)


Yeah, I feared something like this.

You should train some Padawan at some point. The sooner the better.

about time, given my old age

I’m all for it. Absolutely.

Now, the question: Who volunteers? :slight_smile:

how about materians?

Not sure what is the proper word for the inhabitant of Matera.

I think that to design this sort if health game we should bring few materians in, to avoid creating things for needs that dont exist or in some other unsuitable way.

The emergency response game, even launched by unMonx,

should be put together in a way that it can be conducted with no, or very small amount of unMonx by those who permanently live in the city.

Sure, another way to get some sort of a user model is the photo/story book which Olla has mentionned.


I was thinking of EFR - emergency first response, and BLS - basic life support skills.

We should find out if it is needed in Matera, and interests future unMonks.

There are few things which are good about these skills apart from being able to assist saving the health and life of someone. it builds up confidence and it is a usefull skill in a tourist trade. And, in a long run, it saves medicare money, because it helps to prevent further injuries that a victim of the accident gets before professionals arrive.

When these skills are taught as a part of school programme the process is usually boring and formal, and everyone gets “passed”. As a part of military service in countries where it is compulsory- looking at people I know it is good for Illicit Distillation Skills, not sure about the emergency response.

Thats why I thought that it can a be cool performance which lasts for few days. We can try to put together a project proposal. I had a look at scholarly articles on learning and games: there is some good research on that.

I suppose the research back up for the positive effects on communities and individuals can also be found.If the future unMonks are interested we can start drafting somewhere on a pad.

With regard of the scenario: I suppose to design it in a best way, it is important to find out more about Matera and its inhabitants.

oh, yes, it fits into the health/resilience link.

Take a look at the healist,

Take a look at the healist, perhaps the crew will be interested in helping out with this one, naturally I cannot volunteer them, but I do volunteer to be a part of the team engaging this. In terms of credibility, it’s a relativity issue. The team at the healist have a history in marketing advertising, tech and media, somatics and self care, plus plenty of additional frills (such as myself;) a potent mix of intuition and intellect…

Willing help here…

Hi K,

I’m a dancer, object manipulator, fire and circus artist, ( though I prefer teaching to performance) this sounds like the perfect middle ground, teaching through performance. I also have some training in resuscitation from life guard training back in the day, could do with dusting off the cobwebs, and would be happy to help.



I actually thought of you when I wrote that the ER community has people with skills in performance, and I think there are few more people.

My point is that the best way to learn what to do in case of emergency without surviving a real accident or a zombie attack is to perform

it as a play. There is plenty of research and theory written on playing as a mechanism of learning.

There are survival courses like that: with actors and make up, real emergency trainers with medical education, but these are seldom and expensive.

Formal education proposes emergency response training, but it is boring. The only fun part of emergency responce course I had at school is someone drawing genitals on a dummy we were supposed to practice CPR. Otherwise I could not remember anything.

Courses in which trainers really care about the outcome are played as an emergency scenario. They can be realistic or not realistic. I suppose, the more realistic and emotional they are, more likely it is that the person who played it will be able to remember what to do in case of real emergency.

It will be intersting to try to put it together in Matera. We should bring some medical and rescue ppl in.

There might be people who train emergency at local schools, also medical students, retired doctors and nurses, etc - we should explore more sources. If the game is well designed people from different background will be willing to join.

If we will need to raise money for the game, we will need a trailer, it can be done with minimum resources.

I have people in mind from the transmedia field that I should contact and see what they can do, and also thought of contacting Zombie Parade crowd in Denmark, because they are good at gory make up.

I have been only trained to rescue divers, and I am not yet a certifier EFR trainer, but I am getting there. We should make a shout to see how many ERs have the skills needed and will be willing to participate.

Food and freedom

I’m always keen to promote anything that encourages collaborative (community) food production. Its also quite nice to have collaborative consumption, eating together is a good way of strengthening relationships.

I’m into permaculture, forest (food) gardens and organics and like Yatan would be happy to somehow involve children.  There is an aquaponics system being gradually set up where I’m living and I’m picking up some valuable knowledge as it happens.

Also going back to the discussion last week encouraging and helping people to improve the skills necessary to effectively participate in society would be a great thing.  This could be tied in with many (all?) the projects proposed, and I guess the whole project - get locals collaborating, making decisions, on all levels as much as practically possible, encouraging and facilitate their engagement.

Same as below

Hi Darren,

As I mentioned below, I have been looking into a town organic garden space in my home town to be used by the kids in the youth cafe, there is a walled garden in the town that actually has no door at the moment and may as well not exist, anyway, that’s another story…I would be happy to help n this project as best I can, I have a childhood of experience on the land and work like a mule on steroids. The knowledge of more skilful means in this area would be very welcome, happy to help,


More about Matera

This is really interesting. I have a few questions and thoughts, to help those of us who don’t know Matera:

  • To what extent does Matera fit the profile of the kind of place that an unMonastery project would set out to help? What are its distinctive problems? Is it possible to do a brief situation analysis about Matera, to describe its ecology, economy, society, culture and tech/infrastructure?

  • What are its existing resilient networks and communities? What experiments, plans, appetites are there already for the kind of proposals put forward? How can these be built around and seen as the frame for more weaving?

  • What are the main themes of the Culture bid? Are they planning to develop any new cultural infrastructure? Or is the emphasis on re-using and conserving existing heritage and creative spaces?

  • What potential is there to develop poetic resonances and meaningful historic threads out of the heritage of Matera? It’s an essentially monastic heritage, so it’s very neat that it might host an unMonastery. It mustn’t however feel disrespectful or inauthentic to the city and its people/ancestors. It has an extraordinary factor which is the claim that people are still living in the houses of their ancestors 9,000 years later. It is a place that can connect us with our stone age origins. Is there potential to develop resonant works around the elements that are significant to the city, such as stone, water and a meditative spirit?

matera on the edge!

Bridget, good questions! I will try to answer from my point of view. What inspiring me to move here was this phenomenon, typical of small town (expecially in southern Italy), of the young population to move to big cities. So almost 2 young on 4 leave the town. Then there is another phenomenon very strong, people create different associations in order to get fund and develop projects but  they don’t collaborate between them. The effect is that you can find different similar projects that together could get bigger results and impact. People here are looking for something different, nowdays we are developing also the candidature for Matera as European Cultural Capital, but they need to be inspiring. They are really welcoming to foreign people, they are used to see around  turists and now, that I moved here, they were very friendly and I feel already completely integrated in my  neighbourhood. Creatives were mapped in a platform called Visioni Urbane (@Alberto Cottica helped to develep this process) and they are still implementing the system. I my opinion,  the challenge is to think of Matera as a complex territory where a project like unmonastery can really inspire others to make things real and different. To inspire that is better to learn by doing and become a change maker step by step than just complain about bad situations. I think that Matera has so many contrasts in its identity/history/culture that is a perfect EDGE situation to start the Unmonastery project!