What would you bring to the Unmonastery?

the list of comments here is so long im not sure the value of me posting here, but i said i would. just really to put  my head round the door and say im in, im up for it, i worry to try and define what i would “bring” to it, since it will no doubt have a maliable nature when it is actually happening. there as always things that need doing where people live anywhere at its most basic level you just need people who will do them. im very interested in what will come of this, i would post more if i felt it was of immidiate value to this thread but i think its just adding words, if there is a process of application that requires more specific information  i can do that way. :slight_smile:

Of course it is valuable!

Jessy, why would it not be valuable? We are really fumbling in the dark here. Every little feedback helps.

well i just feel that there are quite a few things going on here at once. all good. one side is how to work the concept and operate the group of “unmonks”, which will be incredibly rich and creative im sure, but im not sure how to discuss it really before it begins happening. the other is matera and what it means to them. ive been reading people ideas and there are a lot of good ones, but im wary of planning things far away in too much detail, to really help a community it should be the community comunicating its needs and monks responding. listening and feeling the ground at the time will be  important.

enthusiasm is important, and so is attentiveness. personally i like the grow projects and i have horticultural experience and there is a lot to get enthusiastic about.

Sharing Lessons from Similar Project

We just did our pilot project session at Emerging Leader Labs which seems to have a very similar intention and spirit as your plans for an UnMonastery. We were using this seed project as a design space to create the model for our longer term Labs to operate… also to be able to share that model with other groups that want to take a similar approach.

However, we haven’t had a chance to write up much of this stuff to share yet.  Maybe we could schedule a google hangout for anyone interested to ask questions of some of the source team folk or participants.

In most every way we can determine, our seed project was hugely successful. The participants mark it as one of the most transformational experiences of their lives. We started from zero (nobody working or talking together about the project) and launched the project in only 4 weeks from when we started talking about it together. Except for whiteboards (most of which we purchased) and food (much of which we purchased), we managed to operate fully in the gift economy with the larger community (which is part of the model we’re setting up).

Over the course of our 6 week program, we engaged about hundred people in the community in our projects, process and work.

However, our work was mostly focused on how to work more effectively together as a group and how to have groups function more effectlvely together for producing results on projects. Much of our time was spent on inventing the various Emerging Leader Labs projects, and on the group being able to “jam together” effectively, there was only a small portion of the time available for participants to work on their individual projects.

If there’s interest among the UnMonastery folks, I can set up a Google Hangout or something to debrief from our experience which just ended last week.

For a glimpse of what happened at the Labs you can see some of our videos here.

Take you up on it

Hello Arthur, very good to meet you. My name is Alberto. I am trying to get the city of Matera to adopt the Unmonastery as part of its planned urban transformation  - the city is running for European City of Culture 2019 and has decided to take the opportunity to do some soul searching and rethink itself.

I have watched some of your videos. I guess I am now fairly clear on what happened within ELL, much less on the dynamics of the relationship between ELL and the Chatham Quaker community.

Thanks for this really helpful insight. I would like to take you up on the offer, so we’ll see if we can get a small group going! Even better - possibly closer to the default interaction mode on the Edgeryders crowd - would be if  you, well, posted on Edgeryders a “how to” story. If you post it as a mission report, rather than a comment, I and a bunch of others can commit to pushing out the link and letting everyone know you have started a really helpful conversation. What do you think?

Great to see you here :smiley:

Hey Arthur! Thanks for hopping on this boat as well :slight_smile:

Google Hangout (aka. gangout :wink: sounds like cool thing to do…

BTW folks i know that Arthur has lots of experience with drupal, i believe he stays super busy participating in all kind of projects/initiatives but maybe once we bootstrap our geek squad he could support us now and then with small suggestions on taking edgeryders platfrom further!