When are you guys arriving in Hamburg?


I can forward you a ticket from Dan via email if you want to get in more quickly.

I’m searching too

But I’ve also some work calls to make, so today I can also have a day off 32c3… or searching later for an entry!

tickets …

so I think we have 3 people searching for a ticket today and probably only one extra that might be still used …

I got a ticket

From @almereyda, which is in the end not coming. So, me and @kate_g are clear. We can try to keep at least one of our bands open, then we could also try to bring @msanti inside

@kate_g do you want to join for a walk to the congress in a few minutes?

Well done!

Hey, am I right that we all now have tickets? @gandhiano you have one for me? & Alberto has a lead for @massimosanti ? I hope this is true! I’m not ready to walk to congress just yet - must shower ! - but can meet you at conference centre at 12.30 @gandhiano ?

tickets update/summary

The other nice people I knew about offering their tickets do not have them anymore available … so as I understand there are just two extra tickets from Dan (@ danohu) and Jon (@ almereyda)

I hope you can all get in and enjoy the congress!

@Alberto definitly, thanks!! :smiley:

If this is confirmed, and in the case no other place is freed for Lucie to join us, and she doesn’t find an alternative, would that be a problem if I bring a sleeping pad+bag and let her my bed? We were looking for a place to stay together, so I would feel better knowing she wouldn’t be let aside :slight_smile: