Where to find each other

hi everyone, this is a wikipage, so anyone can go ahead and edit it. make sure you’re logged in though!

Edgeryders official accounts

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Edgeryders

account manager: [Dorotea]

Twitter: http://twitter.com/edgeryders

account manager: Khushboo

LinkedIN: http://www.linkedin.com/company/edgeryders

account manager: Khushboo


- Edgeryders: http://www.youtube.com/user/Edgeryders (not sure how to log in)

- Living on the Edge Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/LivingOnTheEdgeLOTE  

(log in with edgeryders@gmail.com)

Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user19087695

Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/edgeryders

Instagram: [Elena Karlsen] is up for setting up an account

Google Plus: [Dorotea]


Ways to find each other in the team

Platform pinging: to make sure an Edgeryder sees when you post something of his interest just write down his username and put it into brackets like this [username]; be careful, it’s CAPS sensitive.

Facebook, twitter etc.

add your names and social media contacts below

any questions feel free to comment!

[Dorotea]  https://www.facebook.com/dorota.mar.3

[khushboo.b9] - @khushbooBalwanihttps://www.facebook.com/khushboo.balwani

[Noemi]  - @NoemiSalantiu, https://www.facebook.com/NoemiSalantiu 

[Alberto] – @alberto_cottica, Redirecting...

[Nadia] - @Ladyniasan, Nadia Elimam

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Some advice and strategy

Hi guys,

I was just pinged by Bert-Ola Bergstrand who is a member of the community and very active in the social innovation/ social impact space both as a practitioner and as a researcher at Gothenburg University. Bert-Ola is one of the most knowledgable people I have come across with regards to social capital: how to build, harness and leverage it to achieve social impact.

LOTE is about upskilling and capacity building to be able to achieve big things together. I mentioned that one of the challenges we have right now is building relationships and partnerships with different organisations to achieve impact through, and sustainably finance, not only this LOTE but future ones. Bert-Ola mentioned that how we work with our social media outreach is a key part of achieving this goal: that our main challenge is getting through all the noise. He mentioned 1) some case studies where this was done successfully by specific networks and 2) some concrete suggestions for some things we can on social media ahead of LOTE to contribute to this.

Case studies:

  1. XEME power: An online network consisting of 1000s of people who are very active on social media, understand social capital/ how to help one another online, the platform and community was built by Alex Schulze. One of the cases where you see it in action is in the selection process for the Web Summit in Ireland (crowddriven nomination and voting for speakers). Speaker slots are highly coveted and apparently xeme membr Jorgen Paulsen managed to get more traction than FB founder Mark Zuckerberg. This is due to how members of xeeme.com support and amplify one another online. Even though Xeeme is a very commercial space, I think it would make sense to check out the site and study how a number of key members of the network use social media in different channels eg. Jorgen Paulsen, Abir Roy, Cees Grootes.

Concrete advice ahead of LOTE

  1. Metrics, tactics and tools for effective social media engagement. Maybe it would be a good idea to ask e.g the Ouishare and Makesense founders (Antonin Leonard/Benjamin Tinq and Christian Vanizette) how they went about buildling community and engagement around their events via Social Media. Both Antonin and Benjamin have said they are coming to LOTE, perhaps they if they would be willing to join the social media team for a one hour google hangout with the aim of figuring out how the LOTE social media team should work together? What do you guys say?

2. Drive engagement and signups on the Edgeryders page as well as the LOTE event page on Facebook: One reason being that the first question potential partners, funding agencies, impact investors etc will ask is how much interest there is in the event and the only way they have of gauging that is online buzz in channels they recognise. Another is that there are many potential participants and representatives of organisations that are very active on Facebook but not e.g. on twitter or other online channels. 

  1. I am doing a keynote at Celebrating the Future event on August 5 and can use some social media buzz. There are going to be a lot of potential partners there, many from outside Europe. Participation in any event is a large investment of time and resources for the individuals who go and in this case I am participating to fundraise for LOTE. Edgeryders is going to be unknown to most of the participants, especially the ones we want to engage as partners to the event. So between now and the event we need to get the buzz going about Edgeryders on the FB page and twitter (use edgeryders #celebratingthefuture). The aim being that by the time I am on stage doing the keynote, everyone in that room is familiar with Edgeryders and as excited as we are about about the community, LOTE and wants to be involved in the work ahead. For inspiration: Check out how Faruq Hunter is working the event facebook page, he’s very good at promoting Geeks Gone Global. We can even use the OSLO event page to drive sign-up to the LOTE event page as a lot of really interesting people are starting to follow it.