Who's up for playing "A Town by the Sea"?

As @matteo_uguzzoni explained in this post, the online game “A Town by the Sea” was developed as a pilot, in the framework of the Playful Futures project. We’ve already organized a couple of prologue and play sessions and now we are also opening the game to teams.

We thought our online game would be a fun experience for a group of friends or colleagues, as a team building activity. So in the next month, we have timeslots available and the exact timing is arranged individually with the interested teams.

We are playing in small groups of 3 to 6 people, in English, using Zoom and Miro. The game sessions are facilitated by @matteo_uguzzoni or @LucijaKla :dizzy:
If you’re working in a company, NGO, or any other type of institution, or if you’re simply interested to join with your friends, send us an email to: info@culturehubcroatia.hr or comment here below.

Feel free to forward this invitation:
A Town by The Sea - teams.pdf (380.2 KB)

There is still time to join individually as well, and participate in the two prologue sessions happening tonight and tomorrow at 19h (CET). Just fill-in the form you will find here.

A question to our colleagues at Edgeryders, would you be interested in a team session? :slight_smile:
@ivan @matthias @alberto @Nica @nadia @inge @owen @jos @hugi


I’ll drop by, the game looks great.


I was tied into moving my piano from Milan to Brussels, but I participated in a prologues session before.

I would love a team session!

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If it’s only @ivan and @alberto we could make it a team play EDGE & CHC, a couple of my colleagues also didn’t play yet. It could be fun, @matteo_uguzzoni what do you think?

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@alberto @ivan & @matteo_uguzzoni what do you think of the session on the 6th of March, 19-21h (CET)? 3 colleagues of mine would join.

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Works for me.

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@marina thanks for organizing this I will not able to facilitate on a Monday, but only Tuesday or Thursdays so March 7th or 9th, but Lucija will be! Question…which Distrikt would y’all want to play in?


Yes, it’s @LucijaKla 's session.
No preference for the Distrikt from CHC, they will adapt to Ivan and Alberto’s choice :slight_smile:

Sounds great guys, I will gladly facilitate your session.

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So is it the 6th?

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Yes! @matteo_uguzzoni will send the calendar invite :slight_smile:

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Perfect I’ll do that later tonight…still no idea about the Distrikt you want to play? @alberto @ivan ? We have basically played a session in every Distrikt except the Covenant but maybe you know it too well and you prefer to explore something else?

Oh, I 'm good with The Covenant.

@matteo_uguzzoni @marina are we playing tonight?

Yes, didn’t you receive the confirmation?
Matteo sent it out a couple of days ago and the reminder today.

Ok, on it. Thanks!

Wow, I’m impressed! I really liked the experience, kudos @matteo_uguzzoni and team! Also great to play with @ivan, he knows how to breathe life into characters.

Looking forward to the ethnography, I can see how this thing can generate valuable material. My character, Reader, is an aging architect, obsessed with durability of buildings and the lives they support (probably a reflex of my involvement with The Reef). His last diary entry was this:

Reader’s diary, 2033-03-05
The last few years have been disappointing. We struggled to save Dedicarium; we won some, but lost much. Water tends to always win in the end.

I hope that the citizens of Dedicarium can find wisdom when making the tough choices that await, and peace after they made them. Me, I want to be in the place where the choices get made, I feel a duty to help. I will spend my final years in the capital.


It was a nice session indeed! Thank you for the experience.

With a bittersweet ending, unlike the last time where the tragic element prevailed.
Reader was a cool character, but Laly, Brunilla and Umberto (D.) were realistic and lively too.

So long, amigos

March 2043, excerpt from Armando’s diary:
"…I dreamed of sea again. Grown too old to put up with this stress. I miss the old harbour and the fishermen on the docks at dawn. The wind is fair, the weather is nice, setting sail for S-SW. Won’t be coming back. The ocean is home, as it always has been"