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Header: An Edgeryders global event 19-29 November 2019

Map: Location pins that link to search result of all posts tagged with list of event-location-cityname

Tagline: Discover, learn and build strategic partnerships with others in (collect and present all event locations event-location-cityname) by sharing your story.

Button: Get your ticket
Button: Join our next co-creation call

Featured Participants

Import block NGI Exchange | Edgeryders but with webcontent-festival-organiser-bio


Import block from Share your story section of but with content tagged webcontent-festival-event .

header: Co-create the program by adding something - A presentation, workshop, hackathon, party+

button: Add your proposals (links to signup form )

Or browse the program proposals by others ( content tagged webcontent-festival-event)

What else are we working on?

Import block What else we are working on section of site


Header: The Edgeryders Festival is a #nospectators event

Button: Experience it now (links to event signup form )

Add Body: The process of co-creating the festival is designed to ensure each participant is connected with the relevant people ahead of the event. That each point on the program is optimised to support the personal and professional development of the individuals who participate. And that outputs from the activities feed forward into generating tangible opportunities for mutual support and collaboration.

Categories Carousel: Import the Latest Conversations sections from
NGI Exchange | Edgeryders with content tagged webcontent-featured-event

As Mentioned by

_Import Media coverage section from Wellbeing in Europe | Edgeryders


The Mission

Header: A dense network of co-created solutions to the big issues.

Add Body: Our theory of change is building dense networks around people trying to tackle messy socialecological, economic and political challenges. Having a dense network around you is one of the hallmarks of social capital, and gives you access to expertise, resources, skill sharing and financing. In a dense network, there are many ways for you to get from one point to another. A key challenge here is for people with aligned interests to find each other, and as a community we’re out to solve just that.


Import block from Share your story section of .

Header: Replace text with “Shed a light on your journey, it helps us connect you to the right people, conversations and opportunities”

Button: Share your story

Header: Or browse stories by others

Stories Carousel: content tagged webcontent-featured-story


Import Module from: wellbeing site, “About us” section but replace texts

Header: We are Edgeryders

And we are listening. We are collecting your stories to better understand how we can level up impact of our efforts to fix socialecological, economic, and political challenges. We want to know what you have to say, and we want others to connect and collaborate with you.

Button: Tell us what brings you here ( points to page with this form in it

This is how it works.
Edgeryders is platform of over 5.000 people who have been sharing their stories, their ideas, their problems, and their solutions since 2013. All these posts together are what we call our “collective intelligence”: Our data analysis team uses open source methodologies and technologies to create interactive visualisations of the conversations as they evolve. The visualisations make it easier for everyone to find and connect across common interests and new insights.

Button: Connect with the community ( points to Campfire - Edgeryders)


Body: The Edgeryders online platform and activities are intended for people to cooperate within and across projects trying to build a better world. The word “better” has here a fairly broad range of meaning. These Community Guidelines are here to help you understand what it means to be a member of Edgeryders. Don’t forget that your use of Edgeryders is subject to these Community Guidelines and our Terms of Service.

Contact us

Button: Tell us what brings you here ( points to page with this form in it
Facebook: Redirecting...