or, wait - is that an issue?
Not a problem at all. Just pointing out that it’s already accounted for in the basic Buddhist matrix, and can be separate or intermingled among many-come-one practices - very pick your flavor.
hmm how about sum total of life energy is finite…
Radical environmentalism would absorb that in a flash. Hang on, I have an idea . . .
Update: added Tielhardism, as one of my favourite philosophers who I don’t believe in. @alberto, might interest you. @nadia, the Tielhards are in opposition . . .
Inconsistency! I used Teilhard to underpin a radical order in the Covenant. In my version, he’s been canonized as a biologist-saint (below). Can I reconcile?
I guess it’s good news that Witness has already grown so dense that not even @yudhanjaya can keep track of every detail!
Oof, I have committed the cardinal sin! Please reconcile as you see fit.
Have you played or watched Soma? I think they way they deal with it in that game is amazing.
Indeed. It felt like Evangelion x Marathon: Durandal. I used a similar line of thinking for the Salvage Crew: AI are just humans writ into hardware. The people most likely to survive the surgery that imprints a human consciousness onto a machine are those who believe in reincarnation, and can therefore accept a new body as part of the karmic cycle. Because of this, Buddhist planetary colonies are often hunted down by corporates looking for new minds for their expeditions.
I just heard you talk about this on the imaginary worlds podcast. Had no idea that you were going to be on it, so that was a nice surprise!