Witness: the podcast series is here!

It turns out that the mighty Giuseppe Porcaro (@porcarorama) and the AreWeEurope team supporting him took an interest in the work we @Worldbuilders are doing here. Giuseppe runs a great podcast called Europarama, and he decided to work with us at the Science Fiction Economics Lab to develop a mini-series of Europarama on Witness. Giuseppe is himself a sci-fi author, so he was in his element. :slight_smile:

It’s going to be six episodes, hosted by Giuseppe himself and yours truly, and featuring @yudhanjaya, @joriam, @amelia and @hugi.

They have prepared an evocative trailer with Yudha intoning like a sorcerer:

Imagine a vast ocean… Imagine that you can vaguely see in the distance land, like the hint of mountains…

You can hear the whole thing here:


Thanks Alberto!!!

I hope the others will also enjoy the series as much as we did recording it :slight_smile: and Yudha is just cracking it on the trailer, you feel on a sailing boat with the breeze on the face

From next week on we will have out one episode every 2 weeks and the series will be 6 episodes all in all.

cheers !

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Damn, this sounds absolutely amazing.