Working out loud: Community management priorities in August

Hello @Jirka_Kocian @natalia_skoczylas @Richard @MariaAlinaAsavei!

This is management central, soz :slight_smile:

It looks like August is a slower month when Nadia, Natalia and I can focus on a few things shaping the last months of 2019: prepare the November Festival, finalize recruitment of local connectors and prepare a training for the whole team of connectors. While these things will happen, I need your sign-off on the following community management tasks. We are working festina lente style, which means no stress, but letโ€™s be careful in how we allocate our time per week in a meaningful way :slight_smile:

My proposal for tasks 1 - 30 August:

  1. Finalize translations for the Wellbeing funnel website. Most of it is done, and Inge and I will ping you if weโ€™d need any more help (30mins/ week)
  2. Each of us leaves a thoughtful comment to 3 stories in any subforum - even if the stories are different language from your own. Write in English or use machine translation. In your comment, please ping other Poprebel community members who might be interested in the story. We need to get better at connecting people. Right now the easiest is the Polish forum, where there are many stories without comments :frowning: (1-2 hrs/week)
  3. Provide link + quote from 3 stories into the social media spreadsheet. (30 mins/week). Feel free to pick stories to share through your social media! We will also ping you in#CountOnMe edgeryders news updates that you can share.
  4. Come to the Wednesdays community calls: we will do only 2 calls in August - mid month on the 14th, and end of the month on the 28th, both on Wednesdays at 18:00 CET in the usual space on Zoom. (1hr/biweekly)
  5. For Natalia and local connectors only: by mid August please publish a new topic with calendar of Virtual Cafes in Polish, with dates, topic, name of expert, photo and for each event create event pages on facebook. Noemi can help with this if needed. (circa 4 hrs total for comm manager)

Reminder: No team call tomorrow - in August only 14th and 28th!

cc @Richard @Jirka_Kocian @natalia_skoczylas

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