Working Out Loud on Spot the Future> Workflow between now and launch! want to help?

So we’re in the final sprint towards the official launch of Spot The Future when this thing kicks off for real. We’re on TV in Georgia, the post submitted by Christina about the work they were doing with hackathons in Tblisi lead to them being contacted for a collaboration.  The level of activity is already unprecidented for a project that hasn’t actually started yet.

Edgeryders is all coming together, inspiring one another and helping each other live up to our full potential. And when we move together, things happen. So if you want to push the boundaries of what we can achieve together there is no better time to get started!

This is the workflow between now and Monday. It’s divided in parrallel tracks and each step can be done independently. . @Matthias is already working on Step #1 of Track B. You can pick whatever else you like and just jump in. All the live links you need are posted below this visualisation:

TRACK A :Preparing

  1. Implement top level menus in 3 languages & buttons to switch between them
  2. Post English copy on all pages
  3. Post post translations on alternate version of site

TRACK B Preparing futurespotters landing pages on

  1. . Prepare one multilingual discussion group:
  2. Prepare “event” for each workshop

about the arabic translation of the website ?

is there someone working on it ?

and if so what’s been translated and what’s not in order not to duplicate the work ’


i saw the websites.

just two notes. from half “esternal point of view”

  1. lots of websites. probably some will be closed/removed…up to know I personally not sure which si the officalia ER/agency website.

  2. let’s use for all documents, digital pages, presentations, cards, letters and so on…something that is called “corporate identity”…which means…same fonts, same colours and so on…also more efficient for copy and past materials…:wink:

doing everything great and very exciting!

have a nice week end