Working Together: Bernard

Galway project – Monastery.

  • Doing things different.
  • Capital of Culture 2020, with the project part of the bid.
  • Trialing the concept of Monastery.
  • Participating with OpenCare, asking questions of local people.
  • Building with a community in real life, not just online.

Inspired less by the tech side of the work, interested in the positive aspects of the religious side of monasteries. Working against the
Spiritual end of the idea is of interest

How do you do this without the Dogma?

  • Working out how we work together in groups.
  • Looking at long term co-habitation and co-living.
  • Trying the idea as a shorter term – retreat based idea.
  • Looking at short term gains and recharging.
  • Bringing people from diverse areas, backgrounds, interests and bringing them into a conversation with an online platform.
  • Looking at how we mix.

Listening to others ideas and adapting them to the Irish situation. Seeing where progress has happened and where blocks have appeared. Tying together with how ‘the arts’ and culture more widely fits in. Bringing in wellness to arts, building communities, how we adapt to existing infrastructure. Learning from intentional communities. Sharing info about the idea of The Reef in Ireland. Learning about the small scale ideas, finding a way through the beucracy.

  • Keeping things positive, but not ignoring the difficulties.
  • Island nation means people are careful not to overshare.

They are ‘cagey’.
Projects require critical mass behind them to grow.