Write call for participation at weekly Community Calls

Every week from now on until Lote end of October we will be hosting a chat with community members to codesign the event. One hour to outline goals, get an overview of the process and coordinate better. Each Friday, 9am CET.

We need to write & publish an invitation to the community, this week before June 19th (next call is on Friday 21st).

Hi Noemi,

I think rather than sending out a message with lots of text it would be nice to just

  1. share a status update containing a picture with some text in it and a link to where people can join the event. And to do this via all the relevant channgels (use composer). Add a shortlink to the hangout in the image directly.
  2. invite the people who have already volunteered into the hangout in person and have them prepare a short personal introduction and an idea to present (we can give them a challenge to help with too) 
  3. Make sure someone, ideally one of the volunteers, writes a blogpost for monday about our dicussion.

Can we do a small test of how this works?

I’ve already set up a google event & hangout which can be reached through this link: Google Workspace Updates: New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents

I’ve also made these two banners for the event (if the link works I can add a shortlink directly in the banner):


It works but

people cant sign up or register unless they are logged in with their gmail account.

How about this? http://lote.eventbrite.com/

I remember Ben using it with the unMonastery. People can then register for free and it’s also easier to promote the event page on different channels (page has social media add ons which google plus doesnt)… You can also send personalized invitations.

And we announce the google hangout link on the day of the event…

Meetup Events

When looking for an integration with an external service to announce events and allow registration, may I propose to use meetup.com instead of EventBrite. The advantage is just from a technical point: EventBrite offers a Drupal module, but it’s only for Drupal 6 so we can’t use it. Meetup offers a Drupal module too, and it’s for Drupal 7 so it’s great. A little difficulty seems to be that Meetup does require meetups to have a location … there’s no “on the Interwebs” or something. But when integrating with Drupal, we get the feature to have our events automagically synced to meetup.com. So, have a look and tell me what you think. See also the Meetup Everywhere feature.

Already an existing Edgeryders group

Someone set it up after lote in Strasbourg, http://www.meetup.com/edgeryders/

But I don’t know how to add meetups and get over the location thing. They even ask you to pledge you’re creating face-to-face communities and Meetup automatically invites people in the area. Do you feel strongly about this, Matthias? otherwise I’d stick with eventbrite, and just add a side block with the event link on Lote3 group. Whichever you guys think it’s best though…

i think meetups is a better option

The more we stick to the Platform the batter. Plus only one signup instead of several.

Task status / priority / type

(On a small note: glad you figured out how to use the Task feature. Note that admins can easily configure CaseTracker to change the values for statuses, priorities and type. I configured what seemes reasonable defaults for me, but it’s open for change. Just note that there’s only one configuration for all the projects, so it should be generic.)

5$ per month for a meetup group

I was under the impression Meetup was free, but it seems they’ve introduced fees for hosting. reasonable?

Commons Events

Hmm Noemi, you’re right, they only focus on (regular) face-to-face group meetings. That’s too narrow for displaying our various kinds of events publicly (apart from the costs, and that it still requires double signup).

So I thought we really should use Commons Events, which allows “joining a event” already, right on our own platform. The feature is broken atm, but I will try to repair it today. Will report back.


Nadia also says this would be the greatest option…

Events feature functional

The Commons Events feature incl. user registration is now working. I added a few instructions about it to the User Manual. I guess you can proceed now, so unassigning myself :slight_smile:

Seems like it’s working, well done!
