Youth resilience Activities

Youth Without Borders-Tunisia conduct “SHEREKNA” Project, to support youth and empower local communities.
This project is in the framework of the Youth resilience Activities, it’s aims to engage and empower community stakeholders, particularly youth, to identify community-level stresses (including VE drivers) and programming entry-points, to collaboratively implement community-level actions aimed at mitigating identified stresses.
YWB is implementing this program until February 2018 in Douar Hicher, a location that suffer of multiple problems that have a direct impact on the lives of the community and Youth.

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Hi Hazem
Thank you very much for your message and comments.
I hope we can collaborate for the best of youth in our region.

In fact, Youth without Borders Association is an independent non-profit organization founded in 2011 (2 months after the Tunisian revolution) by a group of Youth and for Youth, which aim to develop associative culture, the spirit of volunteering, participation and Citizenship among young people.

YWB work to initiate the different categories of people, especially youth and women, to the democratic exercise, through a better participation in the public, political and civic life in order to build a better future for Tunisia and the region.
Three major axes work : Election Observation, civic participation, electoral education, leadership trainings and capacity building for women and youth.
YWB work on national and regional level through partnership with several civil society actors on national and international level.

The objective of YWB are :
• The contribution to the spread of a culture of dialogue, volunteering, initiative; and openness towards plurality and diversity.
• The contribution to the development and the consolidation of the values of active citizenship, and fostering the national identity among the youth.
• Consolidation and the contribution to Gender Equity and women empowerment.
• The contribution to the promotion of democratic and transparent Elections through monitoring and awareness-raising programs and training.
• The contribution to the youth awareness in order to preserve and protect private and public properties.
• Organization of training, seminars, workshops, camps, and activities; seeking youth integration in the civil society, and identification of their issues and ambitions.
• The participation in international and regional conferences and seminars to promote the Tunisian competences in the diverse domains.
• The organization of think tank activities and the publication of researches and studies in multitude domains (youth advocacy, women empowerment, education, human rights, development, health related issues, environment, sports …).

Actually, we are working on 4 projects :

  • “Sharekna Project” to support youth and empower local communities (2017-2018): This project aims to engage and empower community stakeholders, particularly youth, to identify community-level stresses (including VE drivers) and programming entry-points, to collaboratively implement community-level actions aimed at mitigating identified stresses. YWB is implementing this program in Douar Hicher,
    a location that suffer of multiple problems that have a direct impact on the lives of the community and Youth.

  • Youth Engagement at local level :
    We are organizing several open meetings, awareness campaigns and round tables for youth (and women) in different cities (especially in Great Tunis) to motivate and push them for an active participation in the coming election and at local level. Not only to register and voting but also to be as candidate.

  • Local Election Observation : As the local election will be on December 2017, now we are working the observation of the electoral process and the Election day. more 450 observers are recruited and we will observe in 10 regions in Tunisia.

  • Local Authority law : in collaboration with others CSOs we are working on the amendment and the finalization of this important law witch is new in Tunisia. Several meetings with CSOs, experts, International NGOs and MPs was conducted.

أود أن أقدم لكم لمحة عم مشروع “شاركنا” والذي أقوم بإدارته بجمعية شباب بلا حدود-تونس

يمثّل مشروع شاركنا لدعم الشباب وتمكين المجتمعات المحلية مشروعا نموذجيا ينفذ في ثلاثة مناطق من الجمهورية التونسية ويتم تنفيذ البرنامج في الفترة الممتدة من فيفري 2017 إلى فيفري 2018، في كل من الكاف وحي التضامن ودوار هيشر، من قبل عدة جمعيات وطنية منها جمعية شباب بلا حدود - تونس التي تشرف على تنفيذه بمدينة دوار هيشر.
يهدف البرنامج إلى تحديد مصادر التوترات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والسياسية والفرص المساعدة على التصدي للتطرف العنيف وتعزيز قدرة الشباب على التعاون مع الفاعلين المحليين لتنفيذ أنشطة بهدف دعم تأقلمهم مع هذه التوترات ولهذا الغرض، يقوم المشروع على تطبيق نظرية التغيير المجتمعي التي تفترض أنه إذا تحقّق إدماج الشباب وكانت لهم القدرة على تحديد التوترات الاقتصادية والسياسية والاجتماعية وفهمها، وخاصة منها العوامل التي تؤدي إلى التطرف العنيف، وإذا ما تم تعزيز قدرة الجهات الفاعلة في المجتمع المحلي على التعاون مع الشباب في مكافحة هذه التوترات، فإنه سيكون للشباب والمجتمعات المحلية قدرة أكثر على مقاومة الضغوط والتوترات التي تم تحديدها. ويعتمد البرنامج على ثلاثة مبادئ أساسية تتمثّل في التنمية الإيجابية للشباب والمساواة بين الجنسين واجتناب الأذى Do No Harm الذي يستعمل نقاط موحدة تهدف لتعزيز السلام المحلي.

سأوافيكم بمختلف المراحل المنجزة إلى حد الآن لاحقا.

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@a_allouch I moved all the scattered replies about your work here in your post so others can get a good chance in knowing you work.

what you are doing is very interesting, I actually have several questions, but for starters I wanted to know more about the election observatory how does it go, do you use open data ? are you related to this local observatory bosla ?

also how is the local youth engagement process, this round tables and so , are they organized by the local youth ? how is the level of their participation ? and what happens after ? it is very interesting for me :smiley: comparing to Egypt that we have not a lot of open data nor public participation and we are always struggling to do so especially the people working on local urban development