Bilal, a quick introduction

Yeah, me too, perhaps at the festival? Or come to Beirut! ;D

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I am re-reading this topic, and would love to have a clearer understanding of Pitchworthy and how it is intended to work. Logins are still locked, so can you describe it in more detail here?

And in re-reading the discussion about family, I don’t want to mislead anyone in thinking that I was saying that being part of multiple communities is easy, because ti isn’t. And in fact I struggle with it myself right now. I live in California. My kids are all grown and so my wife and I live in our own house. The two of us are actually pretty flexible and if was just us, we could live someplace either more productive, like Brussels, or cheaper like Mexico. But I have to care for my 92 year old mother who is very high maintenance and for a small feeble woman requires a great deal of work and planning on my part to insure that she lives in a supportive place. I successfully sold her house last month, but now I have to move her to a senior care place that provides more direct care than the place she lives now.

This has to happen in January and while simple “on paper” is not simple at all. California is so expensive now that the affordable options for that are not many, including our collectively buying a big place where we all live. That won’t work well for a number of reasons. And although our kids are grown, they now have children and they want us to be around here so we can help them directly and to establish strong relationships with those kids so they feel the continuity of family.

So my physical being is obliged to be here unless I want to opt out of being helpful, which is realistically out of the question, at least for now. So my other community involvement is here in the virtual spaces. That works pretty well as long as I can have an in-person component to that involvement. All virtual is doable of course, but especially for me, it works better when that is combined with live in person contact. That means travel.


@bilal [quote=“johncoate, post:22, topic:7180”]
I am re-reading this topic, and would love to have a clearer understanding of Pitchworthy and how it is intended to work. Logins are still locked, so can you describe it in more detail here?

@hazem what’s your email, I’ll add you to our demo account today if you’d like :slight_smile:

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please do so, you have already my gmail , you can use. :smiley: