
Community Outreach A not project specific workspace for Edgeryders community mobilisation activities! If you’re excited about getting people engaged in ongoing and future Edgeryders activities and have (or would like to learn) community engagement & management skills, you landed in the right spot! Roles people can take in this space Tasks differ from activity to activity as the needs will be different. But we are always looking for community members who like to do creative communication work. Sometimes roles... Edgeryders at CCC Edgeryders like the annual CCC event in Hamburg, Germany. Here, we organize how we go there together. For example, we had an assembly space at 32C3, and one year even ran an alternative congress (with video feed from the real one) because we could not get enough tickets During 32C3 in 2015, Edgeryders has run an assembly space. We hosted conversations about mapping what people are doing, which parts of the puzzle of well being they are contributing to, and how to support one another’s work.... Life in Africa Community Life in Africa is a community based organization in Kampala, Uganda, made up of mostly war-affected women who were displaced by the 25+ year long conflict waged by Joseph Kony in the Northern part of the country. This group has been created to invite and house international collaboration with the Life in Africa community leaders (Grace Ayaa and Peter Ndelo) on establishing a family transition center in Northern Uganda, that will enable the women to support each other and a broader rural... Profiles OpenVillage We build a meaningful, productive and enjoyable work-and-life environment. It combines business incubation, P2P learning and communal spaces. It is a new and affordable path to “the good life”, and we develop this collaboratively. Welcome to join! . Please note that this is an open community platform where free exchange of views, ideas and information occurs between individuals. Each participant is responsible for his or her own statements and is not representative of any other activity,... OPEN&Change A group where we make progress to build a massive funding application for MacArthur’s Foundation call. In short | In full Our guiding process: Galway2020 A new collaboration to meet people, projects and communities doing work for the common good in Galway, Ireland. Project funded by the Galway City Council for Galway European Capital of Culture 2020 (March - May 2016). If you want to get involved, sign up on and create a post in this discussion group. Alternatively, write to noemi[at]edgeryders[dot]eu. LOTE1 “Living On The Edge” On June 13-16 we are coming together to play the policy game. There will be no spectators, no sitting back! The difference between a mediocre and awsome conference is made by the participants, i.e you! Everyone can help somehow, before and/or duringn the event (starting from a tweet and stepping up to moderate a session). In other words every talent is welcomed and everyone can be useful. For now we are coordinating out of a shared google doc . Jump right in and start building an awsome... OSCE Days The Open Source Circular Economy Days is an open and globally distributed event on Open Source for a Circular Economy. Activists and experts from open source hardware, software, data, design, waste management, resource management and the collaborative economy will work together, globally connected, in order to develop, exchange and prototype ideas for an Open Source Circular Economy. What is an Open Source Circular Economy? Read the Mission Statement. Culture Squad Web Content Contains the content that is displayed on the Culture Squad website. This category exists for technical reasons: a software developed by @hugi and others relies on it to retrieve content by API that is then displayed on a website. OpenVillage Workspace Our open-to-all, informal workspace where we work on the OpenVillage vision and strategy, including the MENA Youth Platform project and the emerging Edgeryders Reef Alliance. (House projects and their activities are organized in the “Houses” category.) What is OpenVillage? Edgeryders is building a self-sustaining R&D ecosystem for next generation social innovation and political renewal. It is constituted by co-living and co-working spaces in different sites; managed by local entities;... OCI Lab Events (Replace this first paragraph with a brief description of your new category. This guidance will appear in the category selection area, so try to keep it below 200 characters.) Use the following paragraphs for a longer description, or to establish category guidelines or rules: Why should people use this category? What is it for? How exactly is this different than the other categories we already have? What should topics in this category generally contain? Do we need this category? Can... OCI Lab Topics Travel A not project specific workspace where you get assisted booking of Edgeryders-related travel. For documentation how this works, see the Travel Manual.   This is work in progress. Do not use yet. Soon! OCI Lab OTO Sessions OCI Lab Alumni Ambassadors of Do-ocracy Internal workshop for the Ambassadors of Do-ocracy and Participatory Design project. Software (General) A not project specific workspace where you can ask for help with the Edgeryders website, Matrix server or our other software. Or help develop it with your feedback or code. Please use our Software (SSNA) category for anything related to our tools Open Ethnographer and Graphryder. Please post issue reports and feature requests directly to our issue tracker on Github. Currently, @matthias heads our support and development efforts. Edgeryders Events Websites Spot the Future Romania Edgeryders in Romania taking action for change, helping ourselves grow as a community, become each other’s resource and build durable projects together. No strings attached, if you need help or connect with like minded people in our global network, just shout! Meet more community members in this playlist. Why we started this movement in this context. What we did so far: collected beautiful stories of beautiful people and shared them in this group. ... Future Makers Where we work together with UNDP and UNV on the Future Makers Global project. Software (Participio) A development lab within Edgeryders to build experimental software and methodology for decentralized organizations and co-created culture. Software (SSNA) A not project specific workspace for announcements, support and development for Edgeryders’ stack of custom-made semantic social network analysis (SSNA) software. This software suite consist of the following tools: 1. Open Ethnographer The online ethnography tool “Open Ethnographer”, which we use here on What’s this? Open Ethnographer is a software to add ethnographic coding right into live online content. It is an open source plug-in for Drupal, and we use it to add semantic... Spot the Future Belarus This project prototyped a “slow-motion” version of the Spot The Future methodology in Belarus. With UNDP Belarus as a client, the project ran from August to December 2014 and is now finished. The materials generated and conversations had remain available and accessible from the Edgeryders platform. NGI Form Responses (temporary) Communication Agency A new kind of agency for the bleeding edge. LOTE2 “Spinning Off” Living On The Edge 2 (#LOTE2) was a gathering of the Edgeryders community in December 2012 in Brussels. This is where we as the Edgeryders community decided to stick together and become a self-reliant spin-off of what started as a project by the Council of Europe in 2011. This group contains all the organizational discussions and the documentation from LOTE2. Future Makers Nepal Welcome to the public coordination space for the Future Makers Nepal project (2015-04-01 to 2015-07-31). This is where the team that coordinates the project discusses how to do that. You and everyone else is welcome to offer feedback and proposals, ask questions and help etc. – it’s a public space. Community A not project specific workspace where we post updates about, and work on the development of the Edgeryders community and company as a connected whole. Especially also for the Edgeryders community to involve itself in the direction of what Edgeryders is and does. Friendly and constructive, please! Ci2i Global Ci2i Global: Co-creative Impact and Innovation Practitioners Ci2i Global is a global support network of practitioners who use co-creative methods to achieve social impact and innovation. We're testing out the Edgeryders platform to see whether this is a place where our conversations and working groups might live. Spot the Future This group was used to coordinate the Spot The Future project in March-July 2014. It was a “foresight from the edge” exercise for UNDP in Armenia, Egypt and Georgia. The project is now over. Materials remain available, and final reports are downloadable from this page. Spot the Future Georgia We focus on social innovation, smart communities, resilient societies and economies in Georgia. And we would like to hear from you. Based on observation, a recurring obstacle to engage support for innovative work seems to be making the connection between projects/ efforts to tackle challenges at a micro-scale, and larger problems that ‘would be’ supporters are faced with. Let’s be creative about how our individual projects and work can work together to make a bright future happen for Georgia.... Viral Academy The Viral Academy is no longer under the stewardship of the Edgeryders and our relationship with the promoters has been concluded. All enquiries should be directed to the originial promoters. Training young people to create business and mobile applications. The training is complete when students have, in turn, taught other students; this is what makes the learning viral. Civic Innovation Network Edgeryders partners up with Comitato Matera 2019 to prototype small-scale actions to enable, encourage and support civic innovation. “Civic” means both oriented to the collective good and citizen-led. FormStorm May be FormStorm can not only be the post but the group, as the FormStorm doesn’t necessarily end with the deadline on the 11th of December, anyone who wants to be a formstormer can assign related posts, thoughts and questions to this group. Resilient Cities Challenge Edgeryders and some European cities cooperate to enter the 100 Resilient Cities Challenge of the Rockefeller Foundation. This project works under tight time constraints and restricted disclosure contraints, so some material might be set up as private at some point. Other than that, everyone welcome! The discussion on principles stays open anyway. LOTE3 “The unPilgrimage” . OCI Lab A mutual support program for social entrepreneurs powered by the Edgeryders Community. We use our collective intelligence to help one another navigate the complexities of building self-sustaining solutions to social, economic and ecological challenges. Using the Future Using the Future is an experimental initiative organised by Unesco in collaboration with Edgeryders This project took place in the summer and fall of 2014 Participants contribute thought leadership articles to one or more learning goals for Using the Future and meet to discuss the contents over a series of 5 video-conferences lasting 1 hour. The articles and discussions are documented and curated into a digital publication as a foundation for future collaborations and partnerships. Everyone... Hatchery A not project specific workspace for projects and initiatives that do not have their own workspace category. This applies to all new ones until they become active, revenue generating projects – or until they become too large to host them in this category, whichever comes first. We recommend that projects inside this category use their own project-{projectname} tag to keep their content together. Tags allow to subscribe to them (you can change notification levels just as with categories),... Forms This is where we post editable sandboxes for our template forms: LOTE4 “The Stewardship” Living On The Edge (#LOTE4) is a gathering of the Edgeryders community. The physical gathering took place on 23-26 October 2014 at the unMonastery, one of many projects to emerge from the community. We chose it because it is a spectacular place, and because is was very relevant to this years theme. This group contains all the documentation from Lote4. Feel free to browse through the below (posts, wikis) or alternatively, check out the Blog for curated insights. Edgeryders South Africa As a nation reborn South Africa, and everyone involved in building its future, are in a unique position of both learning from and contributing to the experiments of people trying to build a better tomorrow together. The aims of this workshop is to connect the green new shoots acting in the local scene with one another and with their edgeryding peers in other parts of the world. And to surface opportunities for collaboration between them which generate value for everyone involved. Every member... OCI Lab Conversations Share your story or project about creating a better life. (Arabic intro inside.) Photo by Christian Arballo, CC BY-NC 2.0 [text-direction=rtl] اهلا ومرحبا بكم نحن نأتي من جميع مناحي الحياه من اكثر من 30 بلد في أوروبا وخارجها ,ويالها من رحله نتخذها معا من اجل حياه افضل لنا ولمجتمعنا وللعالم اجمع ! معظمنا يأخذ المخاطر ولا يخشاها حتى لو انتهينا أحيانا ببعض الكدمات ولكن هكذا نأمل أن نتعلم أسرع ونساعد بعضنا البعض يمكنك القيام هنا بامرين اولا عرفنا قليلا عن نفسك وشارك قصتك مع رفاقك قل لنا ما تحب... Guide to the Future Workspace of the “original” Edgeryders project with Council of Europe, in 2011-2012. Where we developed the “Edgeryders Guide to the Future” manual about the state and innovative life choices and lifestyles of European youth in a time of crisis and precarity. This is only for organizational content. See tag #project-edgeryders-coe to see all content of this project. OCI Lab Hack 4 Environment Hello! This is the place where everyone who participates in a hack 4 Environment uploads their materials. And then answers questions from the OCI Lab team as well as from other members of the International community. The way it works is Log in to the platform here: Come back to this page Click on the + New Topic button, and then answer the questions there. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE PREPARED THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS: A presentation of the team... LOTE6 “OpenVillage Festival” LOTE6 “The OpenVillage Festival” happens 19-21 October 2017 in Brussels And this is where it’s organized. We are making the good life happen for us in the post-industrial economy. Meet the people who are doing it already. Learn how to do it. Build it together. Show more A Unique Experience We will have several roles: session leaders, curators, support team. But not spectators. We will have diverse kinds of activities: Project Talks and Panels to get on the same page, Fishbowls/ Workshops/... Webcontent Sandbox Culture Squad Culture Squad is Edgeryders’ culture unit. We connect artists, producers, researchers who use culture as a tool for social change. We do community building, research, cultural interventions (urban games), participatory community events. This is a coordination space where anyone interested can participate or propose new projects, depending on their passion. Introduce yourself below! We have a more general and easy to grasp website too! Show more Our track record: ... LOTE5 “Fail / Unfail” This is where the magic of building the Living on the Edge 5 event happened. Background: this space builds on the discussions around different proposals from community and takes fully on the proposal still standing - an unconference based on FuckUp nights and fuckup moods and failure as main theme. “We commit ourselves to the art of being wrong and of openly talking about failure” – @ireinga in Brussels (learn more). Baltic Edge The “Baltic Edge” project from early 2013, together with Global Challenge. This space is only for organizational content. See tag #project-baltic-edge for the project contents. OpenCare Here we coordinate(d) a research project on community-driven care services. The project is complete now and its full contents are available under The idea first came in the context of a LOTE4 session proposed and led by Rémy Cagnol. We wrote a proposal in February-March 2015, which got funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 framework programme. Everyone is welcome to participate._ What is OpenCare all about? We are a global... unMonastery “When it comes to work it is increasingly difficult to reconcile making money with making sense. People do work to make a living. Others do work to make meaning. But the two works are not the same work.” The unMonastery is an ambitious and radical response to the challenge of bridging this gap. It draws inspiration from the 10th century monastic life to encourage radical forms of social innovation and collaboration. A sort of lay, off-grid mendicant order striving for a society that can...
Topic Replies Views Activity
0 1443 July 10, 2017
0 30 February 10, 2025
0 32 February 9, 2025
0 64 February 3, 2025
3 860 January 6, 2025
16 278 March 8, 2024
81 3088 February 23, 2024
0 206 February 16, 2024
4 282 February 7, 2024
2 286 January 12, 2024
2 479 November 28, 2023
1 278 November 27, 2023
81 3072 October 23, 2023
0 584 November 23, 2019
6 1337 May 30, 2023
8 1174 March 25, 2023
2 461 August 16, 2022
2 313 March 7, 2023
3 2221 February 21, 2023
15 3186 February 20, 2023
0 373 October 29, 2022
5 917 August 22, 2022
1 422 August 15, 2022
4 441 August 15, 2022
5 425 August 2, 2022
48 2546 July 23, 2022
0 645 November 13, 2020
4 562 July 14, 2022
1 1331 June 27, 2022
23 747 June 20, 2022