Interview with a Sharer

A commercial car-sharing venture in Paris

Hey Neal, don’t know if you heard that Robin Chase, founder of Zipcar has recently set up a a peer2peer commercial car sharing service in Paris called Buzzcar

Buzzcar uses people's own cars. They rent them out to neighbors. People put cars they aren't regularly using on our network, and we make those accessible easily and quickly. It's all done with a location-based app on your smartphone that lets you find and reserve the cars around you. To ensure quality, after each rental, drivers rate the cars, and the owners rate the drivers, building a vehicle and driver history. The company covers liability insurance.
You can read rest of article here and check out the service here 

I’d be interested in doing a survey about sharing but from slightly a different perspective as the one you did at shareable… . Do you know any organisations or movements that are interested in exploring policy to encourage sharing, and enabling it, with the aim of alleviating the consequences of precarity  or poverty?


I marked Buzzcar to the new Edgeryders / Citizens in the Lab Map.

If you know lists or directories (répertoires) of Community organizing services, it would be really helpful. Thanks.