Knowledge Collection

Making Sense Using science to make sense of our lived experiences as Edgeryders! The Edgeryders distributed think tank is entering a new phase: that of building on top of a great amount of data that’s been generated since the launch of our platform. The stories we’ve shared and our interactions - social, peer-to-peer and rewarding learning experiences as they feel - are part of an overriding research goal: to enable us to better inform policy initiatives around youth transition. We’d like to try to make... Networks and Allies Finding work – especially meaningful and interesting work – can be difficult. It requires skill, resources, information. Many people find it hard to make this journey alone; having someone to help with advice, information, financial or moral support can make a lot of difference. Use this mission to tell your fellow Egeryders about the people who help and support you: Who are your allies? Is anything or anyone playing a positive role? Maybe your family, an institution or a venture... Better Money We have several innovative approaches for better markets, monetary systems and economies. For sure, trade and exchange is not as fair and empowering as it could be … Care Stories Share your experiences of giving and receiving care – we are collecting stories of care here! We hope to get to a shared view of what people are doing to cope when official systems fail. What is care? Who gives it? “The state is the main care provider”, say many Europeans. And sure, the welfare state is a major safety net in their societies. “Business is the main care provider”, reply many Americans. They have a point too: their insurance companies, hospitals and clinic – most of these are... Social Innovation Social innovations - and their proponents, social innovators - aren’t exactly something new. The wheel, the printing press, the computer: all these can be described as social innovations, because they have radically changed the way we live. In some ways, in fact, all innovation is social! Yet, since the 1960s the term ‘social innovation’ has taken root in its own right as something quite different from innovation. It refers to innovations in those fields - education, healthcare, mobility,... Coworking Mental Health Many individuals and groups are figuring out how to grow emotional, psychosocial and mental health support. They are difficult topics, especially since some of us are coping with one or more of the issues, and have ourselves been at odds with systemic care. This conversation is meant to develop how we think about the responses needed, what daring community projects are looking into this and where we can join efforts. Some critical points topping our conversations over the last months: Those... Making a Living Throughout Europe we are seeing people with high level of qualifications unable to find work according to their expectations, and many have no choice but settle for temporary and underpaid contracts outside their domain of interest. Others are taking up internships, most often unpaid, in the hope that these will land them a paid job. Over half of young Armenians (18-35) don’t have a job and two thirds of them have never had one. Poor working conditions and generalized mistrust create an even... Culture [premises] As we are increasingly connected by data, as creativity is bursting and the boundaries of ownership become blurred, we see people striving to build societies where the public is free to add, change, influence, and interact with their culture through new ways of expression: see folklore, graffiti, sampling, culture jamming, stereotypophobes (people who fear being stereotyped), or performative memes on the Internet. Even family constellations appear to move towards mixed ones: in... Migration Let’s figure out together how to run relief services and improve coordination at donors-grassroots-policy levels. “What if a sudden disaster left millions of Greeks or other Europeans homeless and helpless?” Is what Aravella was thinking as she started to assemble Backpacks for refugees . All the way from the Kos Island to Thessaloniki and to the Idomeni border, Hundreds of enterprising Greeks spawn a whole network of “shadow” clinics . YBE, another community member and psychoterapist, went... DIY Life Sciences How are you using DIY and open source solutions to improve care? Can we bring projects to learn from each other, demonstrate how they work, what is possible in the field? Can we identify all stakeholders involved in Open Source and DIY solutions to health- and social care, with their capacities and obstacles? Marie is inviting hackers to break her heart. She is on a mission to ensure that life-critical devices, like her own pacemaker, are technically safe. Her work draws our attention to the... Making Projects Happen This group is for creating a Guide to Making Meaningful Projects happen. We want to create a beautiful and interesting content, in a beautiful and interesting form. How do we do it? Lets get creative and use great online tools to include our contributions. We’ll be sharing the tools we find ( for creating graphics, editing, and making the content of the cookbook ) Living Together Exploring the dos and don’ts of co-living and co-working setups. The Internet till 2018 The Internet as the largest repository of knowledge can be thought of as a common in itself, as it hosts spaces for collaboration, free open-source technologies, digital art or photography to share or remix under Creative Commons and so on. With 400 million visitors monthly and roughly 4 million articles, Wikipedia is outclassing Britannica as the largest encyclopedia. Another example is Linux, the no. 1 operating system used by animation companies in the movie industry. Who here hasn’t once... Political Innovation “Policy Hero Challenge” was a session at the LOTE2 conference. You’ll find preparations and outcomes here. The relationship between citizens and institutions is all too often made of cycles of unrealistic expectations and disillusionment, that leave both sides embittered and estranged from each other. The policy hero challenge attempts to bridge this gap. Involves citizens in participatory exercises to design realistic, ready-to-roll policy measures. Mobilizes the knowledge of the European... Open Government Data Open government is a citizen-centric philosophy and strategy that believes the best results are usually driven by partnerships between citizens and government, at all levels. It is focused entirely on achieving goals through increased efficiency, better management, information transparency, and citizen engagement and most often leverages newer technologies to achieve the desired outcomes. This is bringing business approaches, business technologies, to government. Citizens throughout Europe,... Amelia's Smart Cities project Hi everyone! This is my dissertation project, titled “Making Space for the Future: Imagining the Smart Nation in Singapore.” My project tag is ethno-amelia-smart cities, you can see all the qualitative data (my own and others’) I use here: I’m writing this project as a PhD student at the University of Oxford. I’m co-supervised at the Oxford Internet Institute and the School of Geography and the Environment. I’m an anthropologist by training,... Learning We explore the role of learning environments here: school, university, but also other social and cultural settings, like the family or even self-teaching. It can also include experiences of studying abroad. What to contribute? Without thinking about it much, brainstorm a list of skills that you can name. Which skills do you especially need to have to be able to manage your life and work? How, where, and with the help of whom are you learning them? Are you happy with what you have learned so... Personal Relationships The young generation is typically portrayed in the public space through a set of characteristics that differentiate them from previous generations. In Egderyders, we look at innovation and adaptation to modern life as differentiating forces: the young are not intrinsically different from anyone else, we behave differently from our parents because we live in a different world from the one they inhabited at our age. What about the private sphere? Have family constellations changed? In your... People & Projects Tell us a story about yourself. It can be the story of your life’s journey, or the story of a day when you discovered something important about yourself or the world. It can be about achieving something or about coming up against an obstacle that prevented you from achieving it. When you write, tell us the facts (what you are doing, what you did) as well as the opinions (why you think it is important to do it). If you need some inspiration, you can look at the stories Edgeryders have already... Commons & Sharing When commons are endangered is when we realize their value. With natural resources growing scarce and the remaining ones growing expensive, we are living on our own skin the effects of poor management of both commons and our private goods; so new approaches are needed, not just to protect the social-ecological ecosystem, but to make our lives and our communities’ easier. In this group we exchange notes on how we are organising to protect and re-create commons, and be efficient in collectively... Practical Resilience Do something to make yourself or your community more resilient, and then tell us about it! Things you might want to try: Learn a resilience skill – take a first aid course, or learn to repair a bicycle Make something in your life more resilient – solar-charge your cellphone, get involved in a local resilience initiative Learn about local risks – find and read the local emergency management plans for your area, and describe how you’d respond in those scenarios Make a 72 hour kit – lots...
Topic Replies Views Activity
0 1236 July 6, 2017
4 2097 April 27, 2024
4 729 October 2, 2023
9 2551 March 22, 2023
19 1757 August 4, 2022
24 2366 May 11, 2012
10 2205 January 19, 2022
16 2147 October 7, 2021
1 567 March 2, 2021
2 777 March 2, 2021
11 1883 January 29, 2021
4 864 January 28, 2021
0 448 January 28, 2021
0 855 January 28, 2021
0 534 January 28, 2021
0 742 January 28, 2021
0 548 January 28, 2021
1 510 January 28, 2021
0 511 January 28, 2021
1 578 January 28, 2021
1 552 January 28, 2021
2 633 November 13, 2020
5 1506 November 4, 2020
3 1239 August 27, 2020
4 1100 July 20, 2020
5 1319 July 17, 2020
3 1086 July 14, 2020
3 1592 July 14, 2020
7 1046 July 13, 2020
2 786 July 13, 2020