Spot the Future is designed for emergence. Any thoughts?

A new world is being built by people working far outside the mainstream. Spot the future is about connecting the protagonists, hackers, social innovators to our peers. Both those in other parts of the world, and the next door neighbour we meet every day, but didn’t know was so capable and creative. So we can learn from and support one another.

So what do we want to achieve more concretely in the next 3 months? We see ourselves achieving our goals together through inviting participants on a 5 step process that includes a Workshop Tour and takes us to an International event in Tbilisi, Georgia. Participants who follow through all 5 steps in the process will be eligible for a limited number of travel grants for the event in Tbilisi.

  1. Find one another - There are many people who do great work with little recognition or support in Armenia, Egypt and Georgia. We'd love to welcome them into Edgeryders to meet and share our experiences with one another. Place & time: Online (here) from now until end of project.
  2. Identify shared goals - as part of the work of preparing productive workshops, we need to get a shared understanding of challenges and opportunities we all face in our respective communities. The conclusions from the online discussion go into the design of the workshops in Armenia, Egypt and Georgia. Place & time: Online (here) from now until end of project.
  3. Identify hidden resources - Over the past year many of us have discovered we have many more resources than we think, especially when we pool them as an international community. We run a series of workshops in Armenia, Egypt and Georgia where  local change-makers and projects meet, discuss the findings of the online discussion and map local assets. The workshops are documented and shared with the rest of the community to learn from and share knowledge with workshop participants. Place & time: 7/4-11/4, Workshops in Armenia (17/4-18/4), Egypt (25/4-26/4) and Georgia (14/4-14/4).
  4. Meet and co-design community-powered solutions- The big finale. An international event where participants in the project from different parts of the world meet, share notes and together decide on what they want to see happen, and build a follow up that is pragmatic, practical and meaningful for everyone involved. Place & time: Georgia (14/5-16/5). 
  5. Where next?  The more of an effort participants make to involve many people in the initiative over the next three months , the more likely it is that opportunities will present themselves to continue working together. People can align their different intiatives to support the work coming out of this project if they know what is going on and feel shared ownership in it. So it is up to us all to make the most of Spot The Future. No idea is to  big, ambitious, wild or expensive if people are driven enough to make it happen. In Edgeryders the rule is: who does the work, calls the shots.​

Any thoughts?

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Update: Tour dates

So after chatting with [Khatuna] and [Lurglomond] we’re agreed that the tour in Georgia and Armenia should happen mid April, so the following week than initially stated.

Guys can you OK this?

  • Georgia: 14th - 15th
  • Armenia: 17th - 18th
  • Egypt: to be decided with [gazbee sorour]
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No objections

Sure, I don’t see why not. :slight_smile:

Sure, whatever works best for everyone is cool with me.


Egypt dates are confirmed: April 25th- April 26th



Looks like an excellent initiative!

I’m involved in running a tour across Europe (see This time we're coming to you! - European Alternatives) and we would be interesting in exchanging stories (video  ideally) from your tour that we could show to initiatives on ours?

Link doesn’t work

Hi! When is your Tour going on? Is it the caravans?

We intend to record the workshop introductions in Georgia, Armenia and Egypt and hopefully we’ll meet a lot of inspiring people and projects. It will all be documented here with a solid follow up. Yaay so excited about this :slight_smile:

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Our caravan tour will take place from 24 April - 5 May. If we can use your videos that would be cool!

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