TechBlick 13 - Ilaria & Roberto [EN]

So I’m Jos and I’m working on research in circular economy in the automotive sector. And I would like to know your point of view. If you accept I’m going to record our conversation, transcribe it and put to transcription with a pseudonym, not your real name, in a repository of text documents that will be used for the research. If you do this and you change your mind and no longer want to participate, get in touch with us and we will immediately remove your interview from the repository. I’m leaving you an information sheet with contact information. If you agree, then please tell me your name and that you agree.

Yeah, I’m Ilaria Ruffini and I agree.

I am Roberto Ginevra, I agree.

Thank you very much. So the first question, can you tell me a bit about your educational and professional background and interests?

Okay. I’m a chemist, graduated and I work in Italy in a company named Silca that is a PCB and printed electronic company.

I’m an electronic engineer and I work for a chemical electronic company which produce PCBs and printed electronics.

What is your area of expertise?

I work as an R&D engineer and I’m working on materials and functional inks and so on.

The R&D department and also I follow also processes inside the company.

The theme of this conference is The Future of Electronics Reshaped. What does the idea of reshaping electronics for the future mean to you?

It’s complex. Uh, yeah. This I think that these days can be can tell me the answer to this, to this question. I think that electronics could be the future, but yeah, we can see.

And you?

I agree with with Ilaria we are we are here to to see where the world is. The world is moving. So I agree.

What do I think is the relationship between electronics and sustainability? Ma.

Maria. Maria. Aria. Aria. Aria. Aria. What’s the question?

And the question was. What do you think is the relationship between electronics and sustainability?

Okay, I think that electronics is very related to sustainability because the it produces very low, um, amount of waste. So I think that is important to know how to recycle, how to make less waste. So I think that are very related.

And what do you think?

Yes. I think that it’s important to know how things, our electronic components are made in order to, to try to, to reuse the materials and to also change a little bit of the the production steps. As a PCB producer manufacturer, we are also moving from sub subtractive processes to additive processes. So I think that all the world is need to to change a little bit their point of view.

Ilaria, could you explain or define a circular economy in your own words? What is it?