A possibility of collaboration ER - FdCM - FEBEA

Today @alberto and I had a good conversation with Giacomo and Rainer from FdCM who introduced us to Aurora Prospero, the FEBEA Brussels based network manager.

FEBEA stands for Federation of European Ethical and Alternative Banks and Financiers. Born from the 80s and the 90s civil society initiatives, today it counts 29 members, banks and finance companies which work with the social economy. Mostly these have small dimensions and a local impact – often they are cooperatives supporting local activities or various enterprises in contact with civil society institutions and communities that are exploring alternative solutions.
They are interested in finding a space for ethical finance in the world we are constructing and exploring the possibilities of collaboration.

It is a particular time for FEBEA because a couple of moments are converging:

  • this year is 20 years from the foundation of the Federation
  • going through the process of defining identity and goals for the next decades updating its original goals

They have just started working on the New European Bauhaus project – the Commission’s Green Deal «creative and interdisciplinary initiative, […] a space of encounter to design future ways of living, situated at the crossroads between art, culture, social inclusion, science and technology ».
This may be interesting to examine from The Reef perspective – a functional social green co-housing experiment with good practices that worked great in the pandemic period.

Questions that may arise are the adaptability of their network to the digital environment – not all of these communities are active digitally, and the language barrier: they are often not English speaking, while worldbuilding is English based.

This collaboration could open a game on different fronts.

Ideas :

  • FEBEA provides support and contributions with its financial and technical competences to the architecture of the districts – the wba game relays on viability and coherence
  • takes part in the ER learning program and seminars we would organise
  • another residency in Brussels or elsewhere in Europe organised by FEBEA following the Messina one
  • creation of language localised districts related to the main wiki with annual check up and summary (francophone, italian etc). For example, a district based on Messina, translated and structured may become an attachment to FdCM’s strategic plan - « this is where we want to end »
  • local communities / community foundations may function as territorial labs for alternative solutions

With stronger networking for all three organisations we could provide visibility for their concepts and explore the connections to the world of local experiences or community foundations. This feeds into @nadia’s idea of districts as products for the Regions and in the general « special zones » concept and DG REGIO webinar context.

Steps :


  • organisation of the DG REGIO webinar
  • opening of the wiki
  • a closer look to the New Bauhaus project
  • keep open the info & materials channel


  • Rainer contacts his French partners interested in contributions in French
  • Giacomo continues with networking


  • Aurora waits for our material and collects the interest within her Federation
  • on our request organises a meeting with the team working on the New European Bauhaus project

This is an idea by @giacomo.pinaffo. I think he means more of “WBA tour”, in the same sense as you do book promotion tours. @IvanC, did you have a different understanding?

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I understood it as a broad idea of the Messina residency follow up with FEBEA involved, still to be defined. I think we could shape it based on the needs / possibilities. The book tour sounds great too

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Sounds hella interesting. Especially because of the possibility of solid financial thinking around systems adapted to different needs than what we designed for.

I should note here that there are narrative hooks early on in Witness to allow the construction of:

  1. More seafaring cities

  2. More land-based communities, particularly those that have rebuilt after the Sundering. Some may even be hyper-local to the point of having little to no access to the other cities, if we should so choose.


Dear all, love the name of “Witness” (bussy in a community working on global social witnessing as a practice), and is there a chance to build a micro-state based on the “Seeds Conscious Currency” idea - I would love to work on something that includes a regenerative, solarpunk, neo-indigenous, metamodern bodynamic farmers! Best, Adrian

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