When Prophecy Fails? *and unProphecy Doesn’t 1
I have spent about two month at the unMonastery. This thread I found a hospitable place to write my first comment in ages.
It was a significant kind of thing for me to come to the physical space, which has been a dreamed up by and worked on by people worth mentioning in a conversation.
Birth of unMon happens few days after I met them: commonly referred to as Edgeryders, if any collective nouns applies. Individuals to be admired for different reasons and skills, with the ability to smoothly transform into a swarm and back. Very smooth.
work work work
And then it became an image, cooked up in Brussels in that Egg space. The unMonastery we are capable of carving in stone in any state of mechanical bodily restraint and intoxication, as well as embroider with pearls and beads, quils and sequins in the dark with our fingers chopped off.
work work work
Then I saw @Alberto post “Hello all, I am in Matera”…

And @Ben work work work
And others. To be mentioned. Note to self.
Anyway, to make a long story short. I came to this physical unMon made of stone, and other matter and people who haven’t seen me before.
Just before the opening. Missed my “rescue mission”, sorry @Bembo. Two things which I found:
unMonastery had an Italian Phone Number, and the the address which was written on the box of cookies.
UnMon was quite real long time before the cookies could be delivered to a particular address, but it was kind of fun to see how it acquires different definitions and levels of reality.

It turned out, though, I existed in quite a few conflicting realities: the form I haven’t filled in (I wouldn’t go into why and should have now, but I didn’t think) which could make me real in formed-filled people’s eyes. Simple. “the possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real. No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride.”
Speaking of prophecy, is it the mini version of schism happened…in my head. Also, in the definitions, it’s not the first time in history that the definitions collapse.
But anyway. I’m Sorry @Ben that you were interrogated about the definition of me. This is the only thing I take seriously that it caused you some… blah. Other things I saw, I wouldn’t consider even embarrassing - might be just enough for an undergraduate dissertation in social psychology.
At unMon and few significant days away from unMon I had time to look around Matera, start conversations about the unMonastery and life in general with people I meet and luckily can communicate with. Worth making more time space for the unMonastery and unMonks whatever it may mean in different realities.
Made it easier to think what I can do right now, in or outside of the unMon, to contribute and support the slow and the real processes that unMon can shelter in the future.